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Article Title | Author Last Name | Year |
Baroque architecture | Quinn | 1960 |
Canyon cruising | Quimby | 1976 |
Galiuro Mountains, alias " The Rattlesnake Mountains" | Quimby | 1968 |
Mammals of the San Francisco Mountain region, pt. 1 Day time rodents | Quaintance | 1934 |
Mammals of the San Francisco Mountain region, pt. 2 Night time rodents | Quaintance | 1935 |
New trails in the desert | Quick | 1953 |
Polygamy in Arizona | Quimby | 1976 |
The Baboquivari's | Quimby | 1968 |
The Baroque in Mexico and the Southwest | Quinn | 1960 |
The last treasure in Father Kino's broom closet | Quezada | 1973 |
The life of a Cowbelle | Quimby | 1958 |
The life of a Cowbelle | Quimby | 1958 |
The lost treasure in Father Kino's broom closet | Quezada | 1973 |
The lost treasure in Father Kino's broom closet | Quezada | 1973 |
They love us in Nogales | Quesada | 1975 |
Unveiling a handmade book | Quinn | 1975 |
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16