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Article Title Author Last Name Year
what makes Phoenix grow? Mswaart 1966
What price beauty Mayhew 1926
What really happened at the O. K. Corral? Mason 1960
What spurs our soaring divorce rate? Montague 1964
What to do at a roadblock Moyer 1966
What's Gus Lampe really like? Moore 1968
When a policeman takes his wife along Muller 1975
When canals run dry Moore 1959
When the banks suffered the shorts Marley 1975
When the open road calls Muench 1960
Where nature jests Macon 1926
Where wild buffalo roam Muench 1948
Which way to better banking competition? Marshall 1966
White man's medicine in Monument Valley Murbarger 1958
White man's medicine in Monument Valley Murbarger 1958
White man's medicine in Monument Valley Murbarger 1958
White Mountain Apache cattle auction Moore 1957
White Mountain Apache cattle auction Moore 1957
White Mountain paradise Mahoney 1954
Whiteriver Mahoney 1954
Whiteriver Mahoney 1954
Who killed Nannie Hale? Mahoney 1955
Who owns the land in Arizona? McCleneghan 1959
Who owns the land in Arizona? McCleneghan 1959
Who put the corn in Cornville? Megargee 1956
Who put the corn in Cornville? Megargee 1956
Who's flying? Just about everybody, that's who Moore 1969
Why Charles Rice is not going to climb Mount McKinley this summer Malone 1971
Why protect Gila monsters? Mulch 1952
Why the Coyote has a black spot on his tail Milford 1941
Why the coyote has a black spot on his tail Milford 1941
Wickenburg, Arizona, 1863-1956 Myers 1956
Willcox, Arizona: culture and economics of a Western cattle town McCleneghan, Stone 1961
Willcox, Arizona: culture and economics of a Western cattle town McCleneghan, Stone 1961
Willcox, portrait of a cattle town McKelvey 1951
William S. McDonald - a true pioneer McDonald 1958
Willie Williams beats pressure with square dancing hobby Myers 1972
Winona Village - 1938 ( A report of progress) McGregor, Wetherill 1939
Winona Village, a prehistoric site showing Hohokam influence in the Flagstaff area McGregor 1937
Winona Village, a prehistoric site showing Hohokam influence in the Flagstaff area McGregor 1937
Winslow, Navajo County's no. 1 city Mahoney 1954
Winter fun on the slopes Mandile 1976
Winter guests find wealth of accommodation, entertainment Mahoney 1954
With my camera on Lake Powell Muench 1964
Without pawn Mower 1950
Woman at the winch Moore 1961
Woman at the winch Moore 1961
Women and Arizona law Megargee 1956
Wonderful world of the desert garden Moore 1960
Wonderful world of the desert garden Moore 1960
Word from Dolores, Colorado Maxey 1973
Word from Dolores, Colorado Maxcy 1973
Working assets Myers 1989
Working assets Myers 1989
Working assets Myers 1989