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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Father Jacobo Sedelmayr, S. J., a forgotten chapter in Arizona missionary history Mills 1936
Father Jacobo Sedelmayr, S. J., a forgotten chapter in Arizona missionary history Mills 1936
Faulting in Oak Creek Canyon and a discussion of contrary bending Mears 1950
Faulting in Oak Creek Canyon and a discussion of contrary bending Mears 1950
Fertile foothill oasis attracts home builders from many states Mason 1936
Fertile valley: Bouse Valley holds potential of vast agricultural wealth Mahoney 1954
Fiber in the mill Morris 1962
Fiber in the mountain Morris 1960
Fighting Apaches, narrative of the Fifth Cavalry's deadly conflict in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona McClintock 1907
Finger in the pencil sharpener Marquardt 1973
Finger in the pencil sharpener Marquadt 1973
Fire poles nowadays are hard to find Mahoney 1964
Fire-Belles on the F. I. R. E. line Moore 1961
First fallen Moyer 1977
First to see the sunset McCracken 1954
Fish remains form an archaeologcial site along the Verde River, Yavapai County, Arizona Minckley, Alger 1968
Fisherman's magic Moore 1959
Fishing at the Bull Pan Moore 1963
Five o'clock scholars Moore 1968
Fluctuation of wild bee and wasp visits to cotton flowers Moffett 1976
Fluted points from the Sulphur Springs Valley, Cochise County, Arizona Myers 1976
Flying V Ranch is ideally located McOmie 1929
Focusing on Arizona Muench 1952
Food habits and spawning of the threadfin shad in a small desert impoundment McConnell 1963
For artists only Megargee 1953
For artists only Megargee 1953
For January planting Mosshammer 1911
For teen-age drinkers, the law in Mohave Mariella 1967
For the responsible bikers Malone 1971
Forces of change in eastern Pinal County McCleneghan, Field 1967
Forces of change in eastern Pinal County McCleneghan, Field 1967
Forces of change in western Pinal County McCleneghan, Field 1967
Forests: a major state resource McCleneghan, Pertroni 1965
Fort Mohave, guardpost on the western frontier Malach 1974
Fort Valley station protects the health of the ponderosas Megargee 1959
Fort valley station protects the health of the ponderosas Megargee 1959
Fort Verde Days Megargee 1959
Forty years of star collecting Moore 1968
Fossil Creek flume - a pioneer monument Moore 1966
Fossil Creek flume - a pioneer monument Moore 1966
Fossil Springs, mystery and miracle Moore 1961
Fossil Springs, mystery and miracle Moore 1961
Fossil Springs, mystery and miracle Moore 1961
Fossil's fine, but Beeline's better Marand 1965
Fragmental Diapir, Piedmontite Hills, Tucson Mountain Park, Arizona Mayo 1969
Freddy the Fox Miller 1976
Frederic Remington, chronicler of the Old West McCracken 1950
Freighting in Yavapai Morris 1974
Freshman farmer Mahoney 1956
Freshman farmer Mahoney 1956
From Arizona fields to America's dinner tables Mahoney 1959
From killer to reformer Myers 1956
From killer to reformer Myers 1956
From Prescott to the presidency Morris 1974
From the desert to king Neptune's undersea kingdom Mahoney 1959