Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Letter to Mrs. Ross Firth 1936
Life on the desert Frank 1953
Lightfoot Fisher 1976
Lincoln's inkstand comes to Arizona Fireman 1960
Lithologic and faunal zonation of massive limestones, Kaibab formation, Northwestern Arizona Fisher 1964
Litigation management: a shared responsibility of the court and the bar Furstenau 1974
Litigation management: a shared responsibility of the court and the bar Furstenau 1974
Lost arsenal of the Papagos Fontana 1960
Lost arsenal of the Papagos Fontana 1960
Louis Akin, artist of old Arizona Forrest 1956
Lunar living Fleischman 1976
Marble falls of Havasu Ferry 1948
Meanwhile, back at the rancheria . . . Fontana 1975
Meanwhile, back at the rancheria... Fontana 1975
Meanwhile, back at the rancheria... Fontana 1975
Meeting the challenge of anti-meat statements Finney 1977
Memorial to a pioneer and his five wives Flake 1964
Mesquite Ferrell 1989
Methods of boys on the hustle Fennell 1974
Millie's ride Fain 1972
Millville-Charleston, Cochise County 1878-1889 Fulton 1966
Millville-Charleston, Cochise County 1878-1889 Fulton 1966
Mineral Park, Arizona Florin 1966
Minor Hopi festivals Fewkes 1902
Mogollon Rim country - land of legend, land of boom Fisher 1961
Morphology of Tusayan altars Fewkes 1897
Mountain resorts draw city dwellers Foley 1937
Mowry, Arizona Florin 1967
Multi-million harvest Fuller 1954
Museums and medicine bundles Finster 1975
music - loud, loud, loud. Fronstin 1961
Nationalism, tribalism, and self-determination: Yuman-Mexican relations, 1821-1848 Forbes 1973
Navaho buffalo hunting Fishier 1955
Navaho buffalo hunting Fishler 1955
Navajo attitudes and the Indian Reorganization Act: a new document Fonaroff 1962
Near sights of dam sites; eminent engineers discover how little they really know of the Colorado River Freeman 1923
No good now, too old - the story of a Navajo bayeta rug Frederick 1941
Oak Creek Canyon Ferry 1952
Old Bill William's modern mountain men Freese 1956
On certain personages who appear in a Tusayan ceremony Fewkes 1894
On the same range fifty years of Heaps Freeman 1960
On the same range fifty years of Heaps Freeman 1960
On the same range fifty years of Heaps Freeman 1960
Opportunity, the Gila Project Farmer 1940
Oral language production and reading achievement among selected students Fry 1973
Origin of the name Arizona Feather 1964
Outguessing the honkers Faires 1929
Pacific coast shells from prehistoric Tusayan pueblos Fewkes 1896
Paul Fannin, governor of Arizona Far 1959
Personnel practices in Arizona manufacturing companies: development and compensation Flippo 1972
Personnel practices in Arizona manufacturing companies: employee relations Flippo 1972
Personnel practices in Arizona manufacturing companies: hiring Flippo 1972
Petite minerals Flagg 1957
Petrographic art in Glen Canyon Foster 1954
Pheasants on the desert - The El Casador preserve Fadala 1973