Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
A primer of Navajo weaving Dutton 1974
A quest for names DeWald 1955
A quest for names DeWald 1955
A real teacher Davidson 1906
A search for the stations of the cross Devlin 1968
A site survey along the lower Agua Fria River, Arizona Dove 1970
A star remembers : the story behind Rex Allen's annual pilgrimage to Wilcox Dera 1967
A town with a past Delaney 1966
A trip into Bat Cave DeWald 1959
A trip into Bat Cave DeWald 1959
A visit to the inferno Dobkins 1966
A warm welcome awaits you at Springerville Davis 1929
A worthwhile wing Doyle 1975
A year for the consumer: 1976 Maricopa County food prices Decker 1977
A year for the consumer: 1976 Maricopa food prices Decker 1977
About this trout problem Diffin 1937
Adobes DeWald 1952
Alexander Davidson Duffy
All aboard the choo-choo DeWald 1958
All rock and a yard -- to more rocks Daniels 1975
Allergy in Tucson Dworin 1967
Altitude sorting of ethnic groups in the Southwest Dobyns 1974
Amusements and sports of Mohave children Devereux 1950
An 80-mile drive that must have seemed like 800 De Santi 1968
An adventure to Squaw Peak Dean 1960
An alluring desert city Drake 1911
An archaeological survey of Canon de Chelly: preliminary report for the 1951 field season De Harport 1953
An archaeological survey of Canon de Chelly: preliminary report of the field sessions of 1948, 1949, and 1950 De Harport 1951
An archaeological survey of Canon de Chelly: preliminary report of the field sessions of 1948,1949, and 1950 De Harport 1951
An economic study of the Maricopa County regional park system Danne 1964
An Indian scare Dyer 1928
An Indian scare Dyer 1928
An unusual jar-bowl vessel from eastern Arizona Dixon 1959
And many happy returns Denning 1974
And never is heard a discouraging word Dedera 1970
And never is heard a discouraging word Dedera 1970
Another look at Arizona birds Davis 1961
Ansel Adams: photographer, environmentalist, humorist. Dyer 1991
Anson P. K. Safford Duffy
Antique buyer's heaven DeWald 1963
Apache gold Dillon 1966
Apache gold Dillon 1956
Arid land reclaimed by pumped water Dobbins 1912
Arizona David
Arizona - its men Daws
Arizona - its men Daws
Arizona - its men Daws
Arizona ahoy Dean 1975
Arizona awake and at work; mines and smelters Douglas 1912
Arizona Granite and Tufa Company Daws
Arizona Indian corn Day 1972
Arizona insurance companies Daws
Arizona legislator Dunlap 1930
Arizona Machinery Mfg. Company Daws
Arizona missions Duell 1919