Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Further evidence concerning the presence of horse at Ventana Cave Colbert 1973
Further evidence concerning the presence of horse at Ventana Cave Colbert 1973
G-Day at Williams AFB Clark 1962
General cook visits the supais as reported by John G. Bourke Casanova 1968
General Crook visits the Supais as reported by John G. Bourke Casanova 1968
George Phippen, western artist Chrisman 1966
George Phippen, Western artist Chrisman 1974
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1928
Geronimo Clum 1929
Geronimo Clum 1929
Get western! Clemans 1929
Ghost train Cook 1965
Gillette: a relic of the past Clark 1974
Glendale's trouble shooter Combs 1958
Glendale's trouble shooter Combs 1958
Glendale's trouble shooter Combs 1958
Global Grads Cacioch 1991
Golden anniversary Phoenix Rotary Club Clark 1964
Good fishing in the icy depths Cook 1963
Good luck for Gray Head Chelf 1958
Good luck for Gray Head Chelf 1958
Good morning, Valley: the before-work radio Cook 1968
Gram celebrates fivescore and two Colling 1956
Grand Falls Colton 1930
Grand Falls Cash 1959
Greasewood, flower of the desert Craw 1971
Greek week Conley 1967
Growth of Arizona wholesale firms from 1948 to 1963 Call 1966
Had enough? What to do about DST. Cook 1967
Hard core against 'slobbbism'; newspaper copy editors train at Tucson to revive their craft Cook 1964
Havasu dollar a popular souvenir Carroll 1977
Have talent - will travel Clark 1963
Have talent - will travel Clark 1963
Have you got off the highway Cook 1968
He fights with his tail Cassell 1948
He sailed into the unknown Rio Colorado Conrotto 1959
He sailed into the unknown Rio Colorado Conrotto 1959
He works all day on hotcakes 'n chia Conrotto 1958
Health and good food for low incomes Cooke 1965
Heavy winters in the Flagstaff area Colton 1968
Heavy winters in the Flagstaff area Colton 1968
Heavy winters in the Flagstaff area Colton 1968
Help for those in need Clark 1962
Help from the skies Crooks 1976
Helping the handicapped fight back Clark 1961
Henry V will start fourth annual Shakespeare Festival Cutts 1960