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Article Title Author Last Name Year
The Old Testament in mural Clark 1962
The old world carnival concession of 200 years ago Carter 1964
The only girls in the rodeo Cook 1974
The only girls in the rodeo Cook 1974
The other fellow's mail Coburn 1929
The papers of Carl T. Hayden: Arizona's "Silent Senator" on record Colley 1975
The park planned in a workshop Carter 1972
The park planned in a workshop Carter 1972
The part that women's clubs play in the life and up-building of the states Cureton 1924
The Patayha problem in the Colorado River valley Colton 1945
The Payson Indians Cook 1968
The Payson Indians Cook 1968
The performing arts in Tucson Cox 1974
The perils and wonders of a true desert Caillard 1896
The persistent perennial vegetation on the rim of Montezuma Well, Arizona Clark, Burgess 1966
The Phoenix bird Coze 1963
The Pima fair: Indians are taking it back Clark 1964
The Pima fair: Indians are taking it back Clark 1965
The Pinal Mountains, a vegetative wonder Carlock 1931
The Pinal Punchers' Parada Christie 1928
The Pinal Punchers' Parada, sport of sports Clemans 1929
The pit ant the pendulum Cavinder 1970
The plan of Phoenix - 1921, and whatever became of it? Clark 1971
The policeman Cook 1967
The policeman: he's in trouble and the Tucson chief tells how we can get him out Cook 1967
The poor, near-poor, and non-poor of Phoenix Cox 1973
The portrait of failure Casto 1976
The Prescott local Cook 1967
The Prescott local Cook 1967
The Prescott VA Center Clark 1976
The Prescott VA Center Clark 1976
The prettiest station in the Southwest Conley 1956
The prettiest station in the Southwest Conely 1956
The Rancho Linda Vista Community Cook 1968
The reluctant witch Crowe 1966
The remote subdivision in Arizona: characteristics and distribution Campbell 1970
The repossessors Clark 1965
The restrictions on advertising and the retail price of drugs Cady 1975
The Riverview mine, Coconino County, Arizona Chenoweth, Blakemore 1961
The rodeo at Pinal Coolidge 1905
The Roosevelt Dam and the Salt River Project Clarke 1910
The ruins of old whatchamacallit Cook 1965
The ruins of old whatchmacallit Cook 1965
The Russians are here; the Russians are here Coe 1977
The Salt River Valley Crenshaw 1910
The San Carlos Apache police Clum 1930
The San Carlos Apache police Clum 1930
The San Carlos Apache Police Clum 1930
The scourge of Sonora Chisholm 1932
The secret of a good barbecue Cook 1975
The senator who's 'different' Cole 1958
The Shakespeare Festival, a retrospective view Cutts 1961
The sheriff who became a legend: Carl Hayden Corbin 1970
The shift in nurses training Cook 1968
The sidewinder: master of desert travel Cowles 1953