Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Safety inspections by computer Cook 1972
Saguaro flower's won't pose Capps 1948
Sail or jail Cagals 1973
Salvadore Corona: a bullfighter turns in his cape for canvas Cardon 1974
Sam Hughes Coile 1989
Sam, you made the smog too long Cook 1969
Same Cundiff 1953
Samuel Washington Woodhouse, the first naturalist the visit northern Arizona Colton 1932
San Carlos blasted into dust; the historic Apache Indian Agency at San Carlos, Arizona, leveled by dynamite Clum 1930
San Carlos blasted into dust; the historic Apache Indian Agency at San Carlos, Arizona, leveled by dynamite Clum 1930
Sand pictures in the Arizona State Museum at Tucson Cummings 1936
Santos, record of a way of life now gone Cain 1955
Saturday night and Sunday morning Cook 1970
Saturday night and Sunday morning Cook 1970
Save our ruins Caywood 1946
Scar city Cortright 1967
Scar city Cortright 1969
Science in the chicken coop Clark 1963
Science in the chicken coop Clark 1963
Segazlin Mesa ruins Cummings 1941
Seven story house Cardon 1961
Shadow of the Vulture Crouch 1976
Shall Arizona save and preserve her heritage? Cummings 1936
Shall Arizona save and preserve her heritage? Cummings 1936
Shall we be practical? Colvin 1920
She dog-sits the 'Dachels' Clark 1960
She shoots to win Clark 1962
She works while the city sleeps Clark 1962
Shifts in county wholesale trade Call 1967
Ship Rock Cook 1968
Ship Rock Cook 1968
Shoot 'em if they don't wear a hat! Corle 1951
Shooting down astrologers Cook 1971
Side show; off the beaten trail in the high plateau... is a fascinating trip to a wild and beautiful canyon Connelly 1953
Silver and turquoise Cortright 1975
Six Tucson composers in search of an audience Cheek 1975
Sketch of the "Sand Indians" Childs, Dobyns 1954
Sketch of the "Sand Indians" Childs, Dobyns 1954
Skid crew Cook 1962
Small claims court rules Cross 1972
Snake rite Curtis 1974
Snobbery gets bum's rush from U of A sororities Campbell 1960
So long, Charleston Cowan 1972
So you want to open a restaurant? Clark 1970
Social and economic change in Coconino County, 1950-1970 Chase 1973
Social and economic change in Coconino County, 1950-1970 Chase 1973
Soil water changes in creosotebush and bur-sage during a dry period in southern Arizona Cable 1977
Solomonville courthouse & surroundings Coleman 1970
Solving the riddle of the Gila beehives Chemi 1970
Solving the riddle of the Gila beehives Chemi 1970
Some factors affecting readiness for change among newspaper workers Chase 1974
Some facts regarding Pima County Condron 1928
Some general aspects of the Gadsden treaty Coffey 1933
Some general aspects of the Gadsden treaty Coffey 1933
Some notes on the original condition of the Little Colorado River: a side light on the problems of erosion Colton 1937