Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
A special kind of teacher for the reservation Barrett 1974
'It only happens once in a lifetime.' Bartak 1976
'It only happens once in a lifetime.' Bartak 1976
The poultry industry in Arizona Borum 1927
...And a politician in a pine tree Ben-Horin 1975
1870 - Phoenix - 1970. C.O.Brown Brown 1970
1956 Excavations near Falgstaff. Part II Breternitz 1957
1971 cost of living in Phoenix and the United States Burgess 1972
A basket maker III sandal tablet Baldwin 1939
A basket maker III sandal tablet Baldwin 1939
A bird and a berry Boynton 1974
A bird and a berry Boynton 1974
A bird and a berry Boynton 1975
A bird in the bush Brent 1964
A brief archaeological survey of the lower Gila River Breternitz 1957
A buffalo hunt - now Bayless 1930
A career of her own: Edith Shreve at the Desert Laboratory Bowers 1986
A cave is not a home Barrett 1975
A century of copy - Arizona's fighting fourth estate Brophy 1959
A chance to learn Brophy 1960
A checklist of the vascular flora of Tonto National Monument, Arizona Burgess 1965
A city's century of culture Brown 1970
A coarse octahedrite from Bloody Basin, Arizona Buseck, Moore 1966
A colonial stone head; notes on a carved fragment found on the banks of the Little Colorado Boyd 1972
A colonial stone head; notes on a carved fragment found on the banks of the Little Colorado River Boyd 1972
A contractor views construction management Burns 1975
A couple easy ways for the divorce route Barrett 1974
A debt to the future: scientific achievements of the Desert Laboratory, Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona Bowers 1990
A dedication to the memory of John Gregory Bourke, 1846-1896 Bell 1971
A dedication to the memory of John Gregory Bourke, 1846-1896. Bell 1971
A dedication to the memory of Zephyrin Engelhardt, O.F.M., 1951-1934 Burrus 1976
A desert culture site near Two Guns, Arizona Barrera 1969
A falling Star Banks 1989
A few historical notes on the Cochise Indian war Barney 1960
A fighter on the court Brophy 1959
A forest of 180 million-year-old trees Barnes 1975
A forest of 180 million-year-old trees Barnes 1975
A geologist's impression Branner 1898
A giant dies Beaty 1964
A glass of water Bender 1964
A glass of water Bender 1964
A grand old house Brown 1977
A grand old house Brown 1977
A grand old house Brown 1977
A guide to the history of the U. S. Army installations in Arizona, 1849-1886 Brandes 1959
A guide to the history of the U. S. Army installations in Arizona, 1849-1886 Brandes 1959
A guide to the history of U. S. Army installations in Arizona, 1849-1886 Brandes 1959
A home with a southern exposure Barrett 1974
A Hopi artist copies a famous kachina collection Brophy 1959
A Hopi's artist copies a famous kachina collection Brophy 1959
A jaguar was caught in Arizona Barnett 1961
A journey to remember Brophy 1959
A large gas bubble on the Merriam Crater lava flow Brady 1953
A linguistic approach to demographic problems: the Tonto-Yavapai Brugge 1965
A linguistic approach to demographic problems: the Tonto-Yavapai boundary Brugge 1965