Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Arizona needs water - and Senator Hayden Avery 1962
Arizona needs water - and Senator Hayden Avery 1962
Arizona Youth Center: learning to respect and respond Arthur 1958
Arizona's Aunt Adaline Arnold 1946
Arizona's Aunt Adaline Arnold 1946
Arizona's Aunt Adaline Arnold 1946
Arizona's first newspaper, The Weekly Arizonian 1859 Alisky 1959
Arizona's first schoolhouse fands a new place in the sun Avery 1961
Arizona's first schoolhouse finds a new place in the sun Avery 1961
Arizona's forgotten artist Arnold 1989
Arizona's forgotten artist Arnold 1989
Arizona's lost museum Arline 1952
Arizona's lost museum Arline 1952
Arizona's magic land unfolds new horizons Avery 1956
Arizona's opportunity Atwood 1923
Arizona's opportunity Atwood 1923
Arizona's sharpest shooters Avery 1959
Arts and crafts of the Southwestern Indians Amsden 1941
At 20, the first chair. Amos 1967
Baker's hidden gold Adams 1974
Because I wore the turquoise Armer 1960
Because I wore the turquoise Armer 1960
Before the Anasazi Agenbroad 1990
Before the Anasazi Agenbroad 1990
Bells of the desert Arnold 1934
Benson sharpshooters Avery 1957
Bernice L. Steward Atufflebaum 1967
Bill Tillery, amateur photographer Arnold 1939
Bill Tillery, amateur photographer Arnold 1939
Birth control on the Kaibab Avery 1937
Birth control on the Kaibab Avery 1937
Bisbee as a health resort mining camp Allen 1908
Bison Bison remains at Murray Springs, Arizona Agenbroad 1975
Bitter food for the burro Admiral 1938
Bob Scott, Yavapai County Sheriff Allen 1974
Bogus Baron of Arizona Arnold 1960
Born and raised at Gisela Aldridge 1974
Born and raised at Gisela Aldridge 1974
Bottle fever Adams 1951
Bottle fever Adams 1951
Brace yourself: manufacturer provides the muscle for helping sports-related injuries Alba 1987
Can Arizona support good schools? Ashe 1958
Can Arizona support good schools? Ashe 1958
Cartoonist of the cactus clan Arnold 1943
Central Adams 1935
Charles N. Ploussard, M. D. Allison 1967
Close up: Hayden Arnold 1962
Cochise - chief of the Apache Chiricahuas Auer 1966
Cochise - greatest of the Apaches Arnold 1951
Cochise, chief of the Apache Ciricahuas Auer 1972
Come on in Abbey 1976
Conservation watchdog Avery 1957
Conservation watchdog Avery 1957
Conservation watchdog Avery 1957
Craftsman in cactus wood Arnold 1944