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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
The Valley's economy: a basic report Hartwell 1974
The Valley's school districts: a continuin look and the problems and pulses Hait 1973
The Valley's school districts: a continuing look at the problems and pluses Hait 1973
The Valley's winter league baseball Whitaker 1961
The vampire bat Medders 1975
The vanishing Antelope jackrabbit Woolsey 1956
The vanishing Arizonans Brophy 1965
The vanishing bighorn Sorensen 1963
The vanishing old pool room Lee 1975
The varied treasures of South Mountain Park Winsted 1972
The venerable Hos-too-e discusses owls Evans 1938
The Verde Valley invites; the Santa Fe adds another empire to its string Woodruf 1913
The Verde Valley invites; the Santa Fe adds another empire to its string Woodruff 1913
The verdict on jury duty Cook 1969
The verdict that saved Ruth Judd from the gallows Dobkins 1973
The verdict that saved Winnie Ruth Judd from the gallows Dobkins 1973
The verdict that saved Winnie Ruth Judd from the gallows Dobkins 1973
The Vermillion Cliffs 1974
The versatile Regsdales 1975
The Vietnamese freedom fighter Sovola 1967
The view at a slower pace: teen-age photographers see better from bicycles Godges 1969
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from here Rosefsky 1968
The view from Patagonia; Norman Cousins on good air, the bureaucracy, energy, the mind and, of course, his magazine Cook 1974
The view from the barbershop Arthur 1969
The view from the sky has changed since that May day in 1928 Johnson 1962
The Villa campaign, as frustrating as Vietnam Markland 1966
The village smithy is obsolete but the farrier is not forlorn, and ASU imports a guest lecturer every year to prove it. Matthews 1970
The village smithy stands Prescott 1966
The villain wore a gun Ridge 1962
The Vineyard: build-your-own restaurant Brown 1972
The Virgin Anasazi and the Pan-Southwestern trade system, A.D. 900-1550 Rafferty 1990
The voice of the people and the blat of sheep are loud noises in the council at Window Rock 1968
The voice of the people and the blat of sheep are loud noises in the council at Window Rock 1968
The voice of the people and the blat of the sheep are loud noises in the council at Window Rock 1968
The Vulture Mine: Arizona' golden mirage Smith 1972
The wages of sin may have lost a lot of gold Willson 1963
The wages of sin may have lost a lot of gold Willson 1963
The wait at the gate; an attempt to cancel unplanned side trips with gun-wielding psychopaths as tour guides Ward 1972
The waiting and the biographies Johnson 1965
The walk-in volcano Tallon 1969
The Walker-Weaver diggings and the Mexican placero, 1863 - 1864 Spude 1975
The Walker-Weaver diggings and the Mexican placero, 1863 - 1864 Spude 1975
The walking Kellys Anderson 1965
The walls come tumbling down Parent 1958
The walls come tumbling down Parent 1958
The walls spicer decision Roberts 1970