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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
The great auto race 1968
The great baptizing Phillips 1964
The great Cactus Derby of 1914 Yaten 1969
The great cave fight Thrapp 1960
The great cave fight Thrapp 1960
The great Cochise Heald 1964
The great Colorado River boat cruise Amos 1966
The great Colorado River boat cruise Amos 1966
The great desert race Hamlin 1962
The great diamond hoax Weld 1948
The great diamond hoax of 1872 Ferguson 1957
The great diamond swindle Considine 1924
The great diamond swindle Willson 1957
The great diamond swindle occuring here nearly 50 years ago Farish 1919
The great hospital jumble - and what the prefessionals say should be done about it Amos 1966
The great house of a vanished people Laut 1913
The great Kaibab deer drive Cooper 1956
The great land grab Carr 1947
The great oil hunt; wherein success could spoil Sedona and Grasshopper Flats Lynch 1971
The great pill potluck Krautz 1974
The great plains Wyllys 1932
The Great Plateau and its inhabitants Peet 1900
The great proposed irrigation project of the Colorado River Colvina 1921
The great reconnaissance Wallace
The great redwood pipeline and how it failed Clark 1971
The great salt mine Lynch 1971
The great smoke-off at the pipe bowl Gianelli 1974
The great spirit makes him live 1955
The great Tonto storage reservoir Hall 1906
The great train robbery of Yavapai County Perry 1974
The great train robbery of Yavapai County Perry 1974
The great train wreck 1978
The great water fight Goodman 1965
The great West is uptown. Schwartz 1977
The Great Western Hicks 1972
The Great Western Hicks 1972
The Great Western Hicks 1972
The Great Western Hicks 1972
The great Willcox train robbery Merwin 1966
The great Willcox train robbery Merwin 1972
The great Willcox train robbery Merwin 1972
The great Yavapai Robinson 1952
The greater Phoenix hotel-motel industry Bond 1970
The greater Phoenix hotel-motel industry Bond 1970
The greatest medicine man Ball 1960
The greatest medicine man Ball 1960
The greatest natural bridge Lummis 1896
The greatest of all Indian needs is education Dodge 1946
The greatest thing in the world 1895
The greatest thing in the world Lummis 1925
The green fields of the Salt River Valley Douglas 1961
The green fields of the Salt River Valley Douglas 1961
The green gambler Stocker 1952
The green gamblers Stocker 1952
The green hills of Arizona Johnson 1965