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Sheep Crossing formation: a new late Cenozoic epiclastic formation in east-central Arizona Pewe 1971
Sheep grazing on alfalfa 1913
Sheep in Navajo culture and social organization Witherspoon 1973
Sheep in Navajo culture and social organization Witherspoon 1973
Sheep in Navajo culture and social organization Witherspoon 1973
Sheep industry in Arizona Haskett 1912
Sheep stars and solitude 1955
Shehan, Hart and Johnson holdup Walters
Shell collecting, a fascinating hobby Lang 1962
Shell middens, paleocology, and prehistory: the case from Estero Morua, Sonora, Mexico Foster 1975
Shell work of the prehistoric Southwest Ezell 1937
Shell work of the prehistoric Southwest Ezell 1937
Shelter from the rain (of taxes). Schwarz 1977
Shenandoah Ranches Smith 1969
Shenandoah Ranches Smith 1969
Shepherd's lost bonanza Mitchell 1955
Sheriff aide tells of Bisbee Deportation Willson 1964
Sheriff and deputies occupy spacious new quarters Strickland 1966
Sheriff Coy K. DeArman, Pinal County 1972
Sheriff Edgar B. Merrill 1971
Sheriff Esequiel (Zeke) Bejarano 1969
Sheriff fails to take his man Willson 1975
Sheriff Forrest Wilkerson, Greenlee County 1972
Sheriff G. A. (Al) Ayars, Yavapai County, Prescott 1971
Sheriff Lyle Jenkins, Navajo County 1972
Sheriff Owens' big bushwhack Kildare 1968
Sheriff tells of range war Willson 1973
Sheriff tells of range war Willson 1973
Sheriff Travis (Bud) Yancey, Yuma County 1971
Sheriff Wattron; an address honoring his memory 1976
Sheriff's Lt. Allee Haywood retires Strickland 1963
Sheriff-Graham county Stevens 1972
Sherman Institute contributes to Navaho Education Thompson 1947
Sherod Hunter and the Confederates 1969
Sherod Hunter and the Confederates 1969
Shift in Arizona; two-party system is emerging from post-war migration into the state Dobyns 1956
Shifting trends in employment, 1939-1953, Arizona and the United States Shirer 1954
Shifts in county wholesale trade Call 1967
Ship Rock Cook 1968
Ship Rock Cook 1968
Shipping cattle 1958
Shipping cattle 1958
Ships of the desert; the saga of Arizona's camels Simpson 1974
Shirt losers 1959
Shirty the Bum, Indian Ed. Et. Al. Willson 1967
Shoot 'em if they don't wear a hat! Corle 1951
Shoot-down at Sun Devil gym Moyer 1966
Shoot-out on gunman's walk Ford 1973
Shoot-out on gunman's walk Ford 1973
Shoot-out on gunman's walk Ford 1973
Shooting down astrologers Cook 1971
Shooting it up in Mayer, Arizona Moore 1959
Shooting the Kaibab squirrel with camera Peterson 1965
Shooting the Kaibab squirrel with camera Peterson 1965
Shop at the trading posts Kird 1958