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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Practice air war; Gila Bend gunnery range is site of simulated combat 1955
Practice air war; Gila Bend gunnery range is site of simulated combat 1955
Practice field for phenoms Duncan 1956
Prairie dogs Mercer 1953
Pratice air war;Gila Bend gunnery range is site of simulated combat 1955
Pre-med tests the tipsy 1958
Pre-railroad transportation in the Trans-Mississippi Walker 1976
Pre-season fashion showing 1961
Preacher in Helldorado Walker 1974
Precious life saver of the desert, cool, cool water; the history of Tucson's water-supply 1948
Precipitation and saguaro growth Hastings
Precipitation and saguaro growth Hastings
Precision in his product 1959
Preclude to the show Clark 1963
Precolumbian engineering in Arizona Robinson 1894
Predators of truth Dedera 1975
Predicting site abandonment at Wetherill Mesa Cordell 1975
Preening plumes Barnes 1975
Prehistoric "hillbillies" Willson 1966
Prehistoric agriculture in east-central Arizona Woodbury 1961
Prehistoric Arizona Hamilton 1893
Prehistoric Arizona Adams 1925
Prehistoric arrow nock files from Canyon de Chelly Young 1973
Prehistoric arrow nock files from Canyon de Chelly Young 1973
Prehistoric boomtown Murbarger 1949
Prehistoric burials Mott 1937
Prehistoric burials near Young, Arizona Harrill 1967
Prehistoric cotton fabrics of Arizona McGregor 1931
Prehistoric earth lodges of the San Francisco Mountains Hargrave 1930
Prehistoric fancy-work Hall 1898
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1929
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1930
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1930
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1930
Prehistoric irrigation Turney 1930
Prehistoric irrigation in Arizona Hodge 1893
Prehistoric irrigation in Central Arizona Halseth 1932
Prehistoric irrigation in the Salt River Valley, Arizona Midvale 1968
Prehistoric irrigation of the Casa Grande Ruins area Midvale 1965
Prehistoric irrigation of the Casa Grande Ruins area Midvale 1965
Prehistoric mining in the Southwest Bartlett 1935
Prehistoric pottery of the Southwest Cummings 1935
Prehistoric pueblo foods Bartlett 1931
Prehistoric southern Arizona Huffman 1925