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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Native son, Andy Martin is a Tucson institution 1949
Natural bridge discovery in Grand Canyon Goldwater 1955
Natural bridge discovery in Grand Canyon Goldwater 1955
Natural gas in the Valley of the Sun 1959
Natural history of the saguaro Alcorn
Nature and man, architects of Canyon de Chelly Samuelson 1953
Nature hides her secrets Willson 1964
Nature is his teacher Hilton 1941
Nature makes a rock shrine Smith 1959
Nature needs man's help to produce date harvest Johnson 1961
Nature on a rampage 1956
Nature on a rampage 1956
Nature photography Peterson 1959
Nature photography Peterson 1959
Nature photography Peterson 1959
Nature sets new booby traps Dodge 1945
Nature's A B C's on the Yuma Mesa Coyle 1942
Nature's A B C's on the Yuma Mesa Coyle 1942
Nature's instant lizard, the crafty chuckwalla Crampton 1969
Nature's stone forest Williams 1966
Nature's weapons of defense Laudermilk 1948
Navaho "channel" turquoise and silver Neumann 1954
Navaho buffalo hunting Fishier 1955
Navaho buffalo hunting Fishler 1955
Navaho children on Raven Progressive Matrices and Goodenough Draw-a-man tests Midkiff 1955
Navaho children on Raven Progressive Matrices and Goodenough Draw-a-man tests Midkiff 1955
Navaho education - the first thirty years Johnston 1959
Navaho foreign affairs, 1795-1846 Reeve 1971
Navaho foreign affairs, 1795-1846 Reeve 1971
Navaho foreign affairs, 1795-1846 Reeve 1971
Navaho housing in transition Tremblay 1954
Navaho housing in transition Collier 1954
Navaho housing in transition Sasaki 1954
Navaho housing in transition Tremblay 1954
Navaho housing in transition Collier 1954
Navaho housing in transition Sasaki 1954
Navaho need of schools 1946
Navaho origins Amsden 1932
Navaho phonology and Hoijer's analysis Harris 1945
Navaho recipes Wetherill 1947
Navaho silver Hegemann 1962
Navaho silver Hegemann 1962
Navaho silversmithing survives Neumann 1943
Navaho striped windway, an injury-way chant Wyman 1946
Navaho striped windway, an injury-way chant Bailey 1946
Navaho sweat houses Brugge 1956
Navaho trading and trading ritual: a study of cultural dynamics Hill 1948
Navaho trading and trading ritual: a study of cultural dynamics Hill 1948
Navaho tribal council meeting 1944
Navaho weaving Luomala 1974
Navaho woman's knowledge of their song ceremonials Kluckholn 1938
Navaho woman's knowledge of their song ceremonials Kluckholn 1938
Navaho women's knowledge of their song ceremonials Kluckhohn 1938
Navaho-Spanish diplomacy, 1770-1790 Reeve 1960
Navaho-Spanish wars 1680-1720 Reeve 1958