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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
It's all Wright McLeod 1975
It's always Converse first! Buchanan 1966
It's an impresario's job to know who's who Megargee 1954
It's been called "The Scientific Watergate" Johnson 1976
It's Broadway --- almost Cherry 1975
It's Broadway --- almost Cherry 1975
It's Carr Canyon for birdwatchers Krutch 1966
It's cool in the Whites Vroman 1955
It's done with clay 1953
It's done with mirrors 1954
It's everybody's phone Mahoney 1955
It's everybody's phone Mahoney 1955
It's flying by your wits' Rukkila 1974
It's fun to be a ranger Howard 1939
It's hard not to panic, ain't it?' Barrett 1976
It's heaven; bowling gods smile benignly on Southern's lanes as four players roll a 300 1955
It's like nothing else Gilbert 1967
It's like nothing else Gilbert 1967
It's Mul-chu-tha time along the Gila Tallon 1967
It's my job: livestock leg man 1960
It's never like this on television Richards 1974
It's never like this on television Richards 1974
It's not his fault King 1976
It's not sea shells she sells In Chicago; Lolita Linn pilots "Arizona in Chicago" to sell the desert 1949
It's not what you think 1976
It's perennial planting time Reynolds 1956
It's quiet at the Cibola toll bridge Malone 1972
It's raining rainbows Allen 1968
It's rodeo time in Arizona 1960
It's safer than smoke signals Smith 1974
It's showtime at Apacheland 1962
It's speed, speed, speed in spring training 1960
It's summer in Arizona Elmer 1970
It's that time of year again...the Phoenix Open Lewis 1969
It's the county that counts: Graham Mullins 1962
It's the county that counts: Greenlee Koby 1962
It's the county that counts: Navajo Mullins 1962
It's the county that counts: Santa Cruz Koby 1962
It's the county that counts: Yuma Hullins 1962
It's the craziest fishing Kjelgaard 1959
It's the craziest fishing Kjelgaard 1959
It's the crease that counts on top Clark 1962
It's the fashion in Phoenix. McEvoy 1966
It's there from everywhere Dutson 1965
It's thumbs up all the way Johnson 1964
It's tough trying to be a ghost town Cook 1973
It's tough trying to be a ghost town Cook 1973
It's what's inside that matters Filloon 1968
Italian cooking Fornara forte Morris 1974
Item: ESEA Title I, Head Start, and Scottsdale Public Schools provide a unique program Reedy 1974
Items: ESEA Title I, Head Start, and Scottsdale Public Schools provide a unique program Reedy 1974
Its later development and better policies 1917
Its nose is a shovel Vergas 1947
Its pursuit is global Sauer 1962