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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Indian water rights and the National Water Commission Veeder 1973
Indian water rights and the National Water Commission Veeder 1973
Indian water rights: a survival issue Costo 1972
Indian water rights: a survival issue Costo 1972
Indian words in Southwest Spanish, exclusive of proper nouns Harrington 1944
Indian words Southwestern Spanish, exclusive of proper nouns Harrington 1944
Indian's road to education is lined with pitfalls Mahoney 1954
Indians and art Jones 1975
Indians and Bureaucrats Minette 1957
Indians and the media: a panel discussion 1973
Indians and the media: a panel discussion 1973
Indians are photographers' fair game 1965
Indians choice in Washington Landley 1954
Indians cut diamonds at Chandler plant Mahoney 1964
Indians face genocide; water rights: number one survival issue 1973
Indians face genocide; water rights: number one survival issue 1973
Indians get food stamps 1972
Indians in almanacs (1783-1815) Wenrick 1975
Indians made their own dies Laudermilk 1945
Indians made their own dyes Laudermilk 1968
Indians made their own dyes Laudermilk 1968
Indians made their own dyes Laudermilk 1945
Indians of Arizona Tanner 1958
Indians of the terraced houses Saunders 1913
Indians of today
Indians thought it was their land Willson 1975
Indians, cowboys and art 1975
Indisputable Colorado River compact facts Barrison 1923
Individualism - keynote of Phoenix living Hidgkins 1956
Industrial arts for girls: Is the world really ready for this? Stokoe 1965
Industrial boom Mahoney 1957
Industrial parks: aggressive marketing trend forecast for '77 in industrial park development 1977
Industrial section: Globe and Miami copper district 1912
Industrial section; Globe and Miami copper district 1912
Industrial thumbnails 1975
Industry leaders learn about public lands Grandin 1976
Industry zooms on the Mexican border White 1969
Industry, recreation and home needs solved by Prescott golf course plan Olsen 1958
Industry, some economic and social programs come to the reservation but more is needed 1968
Industry, some economic and social programs come to the reservation but more is needed 1968
Inez Lopez, the man who lives on the hill Smith 1968
Infant death rate will be studied at annual meeting 1959
Inflation in Phoenix - turnaround ahead? Newstrom 1975
Inflation, price controls and the retail price of food Firch 1975
Inflation, price controls and the retail price of food Firch 1975
Informed consent - radioactive waste products and the Arizona nuclear safeguards initiative (Proposition 200) Bruwer 1976
Ingleside the beautiful Kennison 1924
Ingleside's wonderful new scenic trail to camelback 1922
Ingleside, Scottsdale and environs Young 1914
Ingleside, Scottsdale and environs Young 1914
Inidians of today Yazz
Initiated legislation (a discussion of initiated measures) 1914
Initiated legislation (a discussion of initiated measures) 1914
Ink in his veins Myers 1957
Inland to Zion: Mormon trade on the Colorado River, 1864-1867 Arrington 1966