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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Daggs boys touch off feud but save own hide Myers 1956
Dairy improvement is a daily chore 1958
Dairy improvement is a daily chore 1958
Dairy sanitation Willson 1913
Dairying in Salt River Valley Hirst 1911
Dairying in Salt River Valley 1912
Dakota day sled to Mexico and Arizona Willson 1963
Dale Smith, rodeo's fearless leader Williams 1976
Dale Smith, rodeo's fearless leader Williams 1976
Dale Smith, rodeo's fearless leader. Williams 1976
Dale Vs. Dillinger 1948
Dale vs. Dillinger Parker 1948
Dam in Glen Canyon Murbarger 1957
Dam on a dragon's back Johnson 1965
Dam tour is a revealing tour Johnson 1963
Damage prevention by flood control Lowry 1963
Dams and dilemmas 1970
Dan Chambers Scott 1990
Dan O'Leary, Arizona scout: a vignette Thrapp 1965
Dances of the Yaqui Indians at Easter time Stewart 1928
Dancing on the greensward 1959
Dancing on the greenward 1959
Dancing the snakes Hall 1953
Danger, sound Klaxon: the automobile comes to territorial Arizona Peterson 1974
Daniel Francis 1931
Daniel Queyssac: three flags over Phoenix Benedek 1990
Daniel Webster Parker, 1859-1952 Schaus 1967
Dare greatly Eaton 1969
Daredevil clown retires with two pals 1954
Daredevil clown retires with two pals 1954
Daredevil clown retires with two pals 1954
Daredevil dancing Chamberlain 1958
Dark deeds in the White Mountains Ridgway 1963
Dark deeds in the White Mountains Ridgway 1963
Darrow Thompson and his squaw boots. 1950
Das spent in Blue Canyon Armer 1960
Date culture in the Southwest Coolidge 1905
Date culture in the Southwest Neff 1907
Dates in Arizona Underwood 1922
Dates of planting at the Hopi Indian pueblo of Oraibi Titiev 1938
Dates pf planting at the Hopi Indian pueblo of Oraibi Titiev 1938
Datura, a deadly killer weed shows off its rare beauty in desert home garden McIver 1960
Daughter of a Rebel; widow of a Yankee 1955
Daughter of the snake clan Smith 1941
Daughter of the snake clan Smith 1941
Dave Anderson Adams, 1859-1943 Schaus 1958
David BabbItt 1930
David Barr Carlson 1989
David Brinkerhoff, M. D. F.A.C.S., 1899-1971 1971
David John Cumming, 1889- Schaus 1965
David Morgan 1930
David Warren Murdock, 1886- Schaus 1968
David Wingfield, 1884-1961 1961
Davis Dam and Lake Mohave Segerblom 1951
Davis-Monthan has its lighter moments 1950