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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Contract archeology 1977
Contract archeology 1977
Controlled burning in Ponderosa pine stands of the Fort Apache Reservation in Arizona Kallander 1956
Controlled burning on the Hualapai reservation Shcroeder 1958
Controlling the sun Yellott 1963
Controlling us into hunger Grover 1974
Controlling us into hunger Grover 1974
Controversial ranch advocates 'land non-use' 1973
Conversation with Colangelo Brown 1971
Conversation with Eugene Shoemaker 1969
Conversation with Raymond Nakai, Chairman of the Navajo Tribal Council 1968
Conversation with: Art Greene 1968
Conversation with: Emery Kolb 1967
Conversation with: Emery Kolb 1967
Conversation with: Tom Bahti 1968
Conversations with Colangelo Brown 1971
Conversations with the carrot cult Kreutz 1974
Converting idle labor into substantial wealth: Arizona's convict lease system Knepper 1990
Cook tells the story of historic Ft. Rock ranch Young 1958
Cook tells the storyr of historic Ft. Rock ranch Young 1958
Cook Training School, a bridge between two worlds Brown 1969
Cooking contest enlivens snowy trip in Huachucas Willson 1963
Cooking to relax, the full freezer plan Cooke 1964
Cooking with a Mexican accent Keatley 1951
Cooks of yesterday Sessions 1959
Cool Arizona Sheldon 1949
Cool it for snow driving 1968
Cool Tahnee and the Supai superhike Ganci 1968
Cool Tahner and the Supai superhike Ganci 1968
Cool, clean, uncluttered 1973
Cool, cool, cool 1965
Cooley ranch Cook 1962
Coolidge Dam and the great San Carlos project Thum 1930
Coolidge Dam dimensions 1930
Coolidge Dam, Uncle Sam's gift 1928
Coolidge, a city in the making Wilke 1928
Cooling the desert air Collins 1939
Cooling the desert by evaporation Tandberg 1938
Cooper country Mahoney 1954
Cooper defends inspection stations on House floor 1976
Cooper mining, one of Arizona's greatest assets Compton 1929
Cooperative Extension serves Indian people 1969
Cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics Trumbull 1922
Cooperative study of Papago employment appearing in national journal Padfield 1969
Cooperative urban transportation planning by Arizona highway and city officials. Prince 1964
Coordinated industrial development program is Casa Grande's approach Rice 1960
Copper - a major Arizona resource Headington 1966
Copper and communications spur Cochise County growth Leaming 1971
Copper Basin mining Schuster 1975
Copper built it Farnsworth
Copper camp days and ways Willson 1967
Copper country Mahoney 1954
Copper country Mahoney 1954
Copper county Mahoney 1954
Copper county Mahoney 1954