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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Chief and his seeing eye Lang 1961
Chief Chipps and cohorts take over Coolidge Lee 1973
Chief Hoskaninni Kelly 1953
Chief Hoskaninni Kelly 1953
Chief Hoskaninni Kelly 1953
Chief Nino Cochise Smith 1973
Chief Nino Cochise Smith 1973
Chief of law enforcement Gresham 1952
Chief of the Navajo Smith 1946
Chief Scarbreast raids Oraibi Kildare 1974
Chief Scarbreast, master killer Kildare 1973
Chief Tewaquaptewa speaks 1931
Chief Victorio haunted General Hatch - even in press Miles 1968
Chief without a tribe Tolan 1989
Chieftess Simpson 1976
Child abuse...hotline...child abuse...hotline... Hait 1974
Child with a problem 1953
Child's paint book starts Aunt Janey on postponed career Edwards 1953
Childfree marriage Blecher 1974
Children are fun Shrum 1958
Children are fun Shrum 1958
Children with worries that hurt Boyd 1975
Children with worries that hurt Boyd 1975
Children's crusades sometimes win 1971
Children's haven in Old Pueblo 1948
Children's Theater - drama for small fry Moore 1960
Children's Theater appears Williams 1960
Chili harvest in Santa Cruz Brophy 1959
Chili reception Edlund 1987
Chin Lee and Canyon de Chelly in Arizona Seymour 1930
Chinary Ung Baker 1989
Chinese had rough time Willson 1964
Chinese labor, economic development and social reaction Krutz 1971
Chinese labor, economic development and social reaction Krutz 1971
Chinese sojourners in Territorial Prescott Lister 1989
Chinese sojourners in Territorial Prescott Lister 1989
Chino Valley 1976
Chino Valley corn supper Remen 1974
Chino Valley corn supper Remen 1974
Chiricahua Apache costume in the 1880's Lummis 1962
Chiricahua country Heald 1951
Chiricahua legends Told to Eve Ball by Eustace Fatty 1956
Chiricahua Mountains 1975
Chiricahua, a story-book land Muench 1946
Choice land for sale - or grabs; the history of land sales in Arizona is a masterwork of confusion Peplow 1973
Choice land for sale - or grabs; the history of land sales in Arizona is a masterwork of confusion Peplow 1973
Cholesterol, blood pressure lowered by saturated meat fats 1972
Cholesterol, blood pressure lowered by saturated meat fats 1972
Cholla, the roping polo game Coze 1955
Cholla, the roping polo game Coze 1955
Choosing a hedge for your garden Reynolds 1956
Choppers' save the day in a tough assignment 1959
Choppers' save the day in tough assignment 1959
Choppy job for a chopper 1959
Choppy job for a chopper 1959