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Apache seige at Alma Harnin 1956
Apache sign language Cook 1964
Apache Sunrise Ceremony: The days of White Painted Woman Hooper 1976
Apache tactics baffled soldiers Williams 1967
Apache tears Cochise 1967
Apache tears Guthrie 1967
Apache tears Griffith 1967
Apache tears Hilton 1939
Apache tears Hilton 1939
Apache tears Moore 1961
Apache tears in the Chuckwallas Conrotto 1958
Apache theatrical troupe flops in eastern circuit Willson 1956
Apache Trout ... go get 'em! 1968
Apache trout... go get'em! 1968
Apache vengeance Hansard 1953
Apache years of "the man with the high marble dome" J.P. Clum as told to J.E. Hogg 1931
Apache"ranching" below the Gila, 1841-1845 Smith 1962
Apache-Navajo economy diversifies 1975
Apache-Navajo economy diversifies 1975
Apache-Navajo economy diversifies 1975
Apacheland, Arizona's finest cattle ranch Keatley 1950
Apacheland, Arizona's finest cattle ranch Keatley 1950
Apaches Shine 1930
Apaches McCool 1968
Apaches ambush wirter's father, kill his partner, then lay siege to abode outpost east of Ft. Bowie Gilbert 1963
Apaches and the magic water; historical sketch of the discovery of Castle Hot Springs 1914
Apaches and the magic water; historical sketch of the discovery of Castle Hot Springs 1914
Apaches as thespians in 1876 Clum 1931
Apaches at home on San Carlos reservation James 1917
Apaches bedeviled Sonora's residents Willson 1958
Apaches called him "Iron Man" Willson 1971
Apaches not the only killers of our pioneers Willson 1963
Apaches unintentionally helped discover Clifton, Ariz O'Neil 1965
Apaches went at it with a variety of weapons Egerton 1977
Apex Microtechnology Corporation Scott 1987
Aphida give ranchers bigger problem than parasites in Salt River Valley Schaus 1956
Applicants find money won't stretch Clark 1964
Apprenticeship of an outlaw: "Billy the Kid" in Arizona Weddle 1990
Apprenticeship programs prepare young men for skilled jobs Mahoney 1958
April's imagination is soaring 1957
APS sees coal-fired electricity as partial solution to farm energy shortage 1976