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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Weekend ambassadors from Phoenix Newhall 1967
Weekend at Gringe Pass MacPherson 1968
Weekend digging unearths history Dalby 1955
Weekend wanderer Johnson 1961
Weekend wanderer Johnson 1961
Weekend warriors 1961
Weird lilies of the desert Dudley 1957
Weird lilies of the desert Dudley 1957
Welcome newcomers 1969
Welcome newcomers 1969
Welcome newcomers 1969
Welcome newcomers Winstead 1974
Welcome Texans! Barney 1973
Welcome to Arizona, sir. Please open your trunk' Gianelli 1972
Welcome to Arizona, sir. Please open your trunk.' Gianelli 1972
Welcome to beautiful downtown Oro Valley Vonier 1974
Welcome to Coal Mine Canyon Rodeo 1962
Welcome to Fat City Collins 1973
Welcome to Fat City Collins 1973
Welcome to our new home in the desert Sylvester 1973
Welcome to Pleasant Valley, scene of Zane Grey's western novels 1961
Welcome to S & L hell Lucas 1989
Welcome to S & L hell Lucas 1989
Welcome to the world of C & W Ben-Horin 1975
Welcome to the world of walkers Farnbach 1970
Welcome, carpetbaggers Bergsman 1990
Weldon F. Heald 1965
Weldon P. Shofstall, dean of students, Arizona State University: a look into the conservative mind Sandberg 1966
Welfare or a racket? 1956
Welfare or a racket? 1956
Welford Chapman Bridwell Gilchriese 1966
Welford Chapman Bridwell Gilchriese 1966
Well of sacrifice Henderson 1953
Well, maybe it's not always sunny Sovola 1969
Well, maybe it's not always sunny Sovola 1969
Well, my stars! Sylvester 1975
Well, my stars! Sylvester 1975
Well, what are we going to do about the smog menace? 1955
Wellton mesa and the Mohawk Valley Davis 1926
Wellton-Mohawk welcomes new era Mahoney 1954
Wellton-Mohawk welcomes new era Mahoney 1954
Wenden is depot for manganese reserve stock Willson 1955
Wenden is depot for manganese reserve stock Willson 1955
Wendendale, Arizona, elevation 2,000 feet Young 1908
Wer're traveling the Charolaise route 1956
Were the Colorado River missions in California? Simons 1933
Were ther giants in those days? Scoyen 1932
Were there giants in those days? Scoyen 1951
West Point for the rangers Tallon 1963
West Texas influence on the early cattle industry of Arizona Wilson 1967
West Texas influence on the early cattle industry of Arizona Wilson 1967
West with the stage Hancock 1990
West's best riflemen ... 1954
Western and territorial research opportunities in Trans-Mississippi federal records centers Abel 1971
Western and territorial research opportunities in Trans-Mississippi federal records centers Abel 1971