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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
U of A political scientist plants one foot in each of two worlds Cook 1967
U of A Wildcats remember the Irish at Notre Dame Ruman 1961
U of A, ASU, 75 years of enlightened education in a frontier state Peplow 1960
U of A, ASU, 75 years of enlightened education in a frontier state Peplow 1960
U. of A. Institute of Atmospheric Physics Kassander 1958
U. of A. Institute of Atmospheric Physics Kassander 1958
U. S. 60 Henderson 1956
U. S. 70 1958
U. S. 80, all-year scenic southern route Muench 1956
U. S. good roads week, biggest roads convention of all times 1922
U. S. grain exports and their impact on animal agriculture 1975
U.S., regional and Tucson labor force participation rates compared Gery 1976
U.S., regional and Tucson labor force participation rates compared Gery 1976
U.S.-Mexican livestock trade hits record high in 1973 Freckmann 1974
U2, Tucson's high-flying spy Allen 1973
UA announces new alfalfa variety 1975
UA announces new alfalfa variety 1975
UA breeder has brown lung answer 1977
UA community spending adds millions to Tucson economy Myrick 1973
Udalls and Indians enliven the party trail Leighton 1968
UFW and the class struggle Barber 1976
Ugly Ducking Rent-A-Car Ray 1985
Umpiring clinic--decisions, decisions, decisions Sovola 1965
Umps also shoot for the bigs Wischnia 1971
Uncle Billy Fourr: cattleman extraordinaire Gregg 1961
Uncle Sam bought a cactus garden Lederer 1954
Uncle Sam's camel corps Perrine 1926
Uncle Sam's imposing Phoenix Federal Building Daws
Uncovering history 1956
Uncovering one of Arizona's wealthiest corners Kelly 1925
Uncultivated native plants used as sources of food Castetter 1935
Uncultivated native plants used as sources of food Castetter 1935
Uncut umbilical cord - Mexican-American attitude Martinez 1966
Uncut umbilical cord - Mexican-American attitude Martinez 1966
Under the influence and behind the wheel Cianelli 1972
Under the spreading Mulberry tree the Tucson sufferers sneezed Berlowe 1973
Under the Tonto Rim Payson-Pine 1959
Under the Tonto Rim: Payson-Pine 1959
Underformed prehistoric skulls from the Southwest Renaud 1826
Underground adventure Hassemer 1961
Understanding Beatty 1950
Understanding Beatty 1958
Understanding promotes learning 1952
underwater rescue Mahoney 1958
Underwater rescue Mahoney 1958
Unemployment insurance Shapiro 1958
Uner the Tonto Rim; Payson-Pine 1959
Unfortunately, they're called 'flying saucers', but a Tucson-based organization is seeking a scientific explanation Cook 1973
Unhappy trails Smith 1989
Unionization of public employees in Arizona Gershenfeld 1967
Unique day Mahan 1953
Unique farm produces earthworms Showers 1955
Unique feeder sales bring top dollars to Arizonana Giles 1969
Unique land sale, first of its kind by reclamation service 1919
Unique patio home in the desert 1973