U of A political scientist plants one foot in each of two worlds |
Cook |
1967 |
U of A Wildcats remember the Irish at Notre Dame |
Ruman |
1961 |
U of A, ASU, 75 years of enlightened education in a frontier state |
Peplow |
1960 |
U of A, ASU, 75 years of enlightened education in a frontier state |
Peplow |
1960 |
U. of A. Institute of Atmospheric Physics |
Kassander |
1958 |
U. of A. Institute of Atmospheric Physics |
Kassander |
1958 |
U. S. 60 |
Henderson |
1956 |
U. S. 70 |
1958 |
U. S. 80, all-year scenic southern route |
Muench |
1956 |
U. S. good roads week, biggest roads convention of all times |
1922 |
U. S. grain exports and their impact on animal agriculture |
1975 |
U.S., regional and Tucson labor force participation rates compared |
Gery |
1976 |
U.S., regional and Tucson labor force participation rates compared |
Gery |
1976 |
U.S.-Mexican livestock trade hits record high in 1973 |
Freckmann |
1974 |
U2, Tucson's high-flying spy |
Allen |
1973 |
UA announces new alfalfa variety |
1975 |
UA announces new alfalfa variety |
1975 |
UA breeder has brown lung answer |
1977 |
UA community spending adds millions to Tucson economy |
Myrick |
1973 |
Udalls and Indians enliven the party trail |
Leighton |
1968 |
UFW and the class struggle |
Barber |
1976 |
Ugly Ducking Rent-A-Car |
Ray |
1985 |
Umpiring clinic--decisions, decisions, decisions |
Sovola |
1965 |
Umps also shoot for the bigs |
Wischnia |
1971 |
Uncle Billy Fourr: cattleman extraordinaire |
Gregg |
1961 |
Uncle Sam bought a cactus garden |
Lederer |
1954 |
Uncle Sam's camel corps |
Perrine |
1926 |
Uncle Sam's imposing Phoenix Federal Building |
Daws |
Uncovering history |
1956 |
Uncovering one of Arizona's wealthiest corners |
Kelly |
1925 |
Uncultivated native plants used as sources of food |
Castetter |
1935 |
Uncultivated native plants used as sources of food |
Castetter |
1935 |
Uncut umbilical cord - Mexican-American attitude |
Martinez |
1966 |
Uncut umbilical cord - Mexican-American attitude |
Martinez |
1966 |
Under the influence and behind the wheel |
Cianelli |
1972 |
Under the spreading Mulberry tree the Tucson sufferers sneezed |
Berlowe |
1973 |
Under the Tonto Rim |
Payson-Pine |
1959 |
Under the Tonto Rim: Payson-Pine |
1959 |
Underformed prehistoric skulls from the Southwest |
Renaud |
1826 |
Underground adventure |
Hassemer |
1961 |
Understanding |
Beatty |
1950 |
Understanding |
Beatty |
1958 |
Understanding promotes learning |
1952 |
underwater rescue |
Mahoney |
1958 |
Underwater rescue |
Mahoney |
1958 |
Unemployment insurance |
Shapiro |
1958 |
Uner the Tonto Rim; Payson-Pine |
1959 |
Unfortunately, they're called 'flying saucers', but a Tucson-based organization is seeking a scientific explanation |
Cook |
1973 |
Unhappy trails |
Smith |
1989 |
Unionization of public employees in Arizona |
Gershenfeld |
1967 |
Unique day |
Mahan |
1953 |
Unique farm produces earthworms |
Showers |
1955 |
Unique feeder sales bring top dollars to Arizonana |
Giles |
1969 |
Unique land sale, first of its kind by reclamation service |
1919 |
Unique patio home in the desert |
1973 |