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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
The suns are set to go Nixon 1957
The sunshine capital of America Sinclair 1926
The Super C Cook 1973
The Super C. Cook 1973
The Superstitions: arena of death Espinosa 1960
The Superstitions: Arena of death Espinosa 1960
The supporting-dependent analysis of income payments to individuals Wilson 1955
The supporting-dependent analysis of income payments to individuals Wilson 1955
The supposed Spanish loanword in Hopi for 'jaybird' Hymes 1956
The surplus shopper Sebastian 1968
The Surprise Valley landslide abd widening of Grand Canyon Huntoon 1975
The surrender of Geronimo Utley 1963
The surveyors were sober Willson 1965
The survival of Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) seedlings on soils of differing albedo and cover Despain 1974
The swallow's-nest people Lummis 1907
The swallow's-nest people Lummis 1907
The sweat bath is special to us' Aaland 1976
The Swede "committed suicide." Willson 1970
The Swede goes berserk Willson 1975
The Swift Trail Whitaker 1968
The Swift Trail Whitaker 1968
The symphony story Backer 1970
The T Anchor Schaus 1968
The T. Anchor Schaus 1968
The tale of Dutch Frank and the Roadrunner Willson 1965
The tale of Peck Canyon Fadala 1975
The tale of Peck Canyon Fadala 1975
The tales those nurses told!: Public Health nurses among the Pueblo and Navajo Indians Schackel 1990
The tangled web: the controversy over the Tumacacori and Baca land grants Mattison 1967
The tattoo artist love with needles Gantman 1967
The tattoo artists love with needles Gantman 1967
The taxes will get you if you don't watch out Mahoney 1959
The teaching assistants trouble Brockman 1975
The team tyers Cook 1970
The team tyers Cook 1970
The teen beat Irvine 1967
The teen beat Irvine 1967
The teen ecology gadfly Lynch 1971
The telephone line to Supai village Hooper 1966
The Tempe story Myers 1957
The tenmaker priest Sovola 1966
The tenth annual state fair 1914
The Tepee tourists 1966
The terretorial governers of Arizona; John Noble Goodwin Williams 1953
The territorial governors of Arizona: John Charles Fremont Williams 1936
The Territorial governors of Arizona: John Noble Goodwin 1935
The territorial governors of Arizona: John Philo Hoyt Williams 1936
The territorial governors of Arizona: Richard Cunningham McCormick 1935
The territorial governors of Arizona; Anson Peacely Killen Safford Williams 1936
The Territorial Legislature Morris 1974
The Territorial Legislature Morris 1974
The territorial papers Benson 1972
The territory of a criminal Lee 1976
The test before the trial Lee 1976
The testimony of time Paylore 1960