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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
The humanitarian generals Ellis 1972
The humanitarian generals Ellis 1972
The Humanitarian generals Ellis 1972
The humanitarian generals Ellis 1972
The humble onion makes an industry Borum 1926
The humble onion makes an industry Borum 1926
The Humboldt 1916
The Humphrey's are moving away 1958
The Humphrey-Hawkins Bill Fannin 1976
The hunger of the Navajos Bunker 1956
The hunger of the Navajos Bunker 1956
The hunger of the Navajos Bunker 1956
The hunt for help Swiatek 1973
The Hunter claim Stallcup 1931
The Hunter claim Stallcup 1931
The Hunter claim Stallcup 1931
The Hunter claim Stallcup 1931
The Hunter claim Stallcup 1931
The Hunter claim: a colossal land scheme in the Papagueria Cook 1973
The Hunter claim; a colossal land scheme in the Papagueria Cook 1973
The Hunter claim; a colossal land scheme in the Papagueria Cook 1973
The Hunters on location 1958
The hunting crook: its use and distribution in the Southwest Mohr 1951
The hunting crook: its use and distribution in the Southwest Mohr 1951
The hutch matter Johnson 1970
The I-remember-Phoenix-when cult Sanders 1976
The iceman's burden Gianelli 1971
The identification of Ho-vi-itci-tu-qua pueblo Farmer 1955
The identity problem of the Native Americans Cook 1976
The idyll of Oak Creek McLaughlin 1965
The illuminated pageant 1972
The impact and personality on four Hopi emergence myths Goldfrank 1948
The impact of an exploding population on the semi-developed state: the case of Arizona Wilson 1962
The impact of migration on Arizona counties Hook 1965
The impact of migration on Arizona counties Simpkins 1965
The impact of migration on Arizona counties Hook 1965
The impact of migration on Arizona counties Simpkins 1965
The impact of migration on Arizona counties Hook 1965
The impact of migration on Arizona counties Simpkins 1965
The impact of rising health insurance and health care cost on business Morehart 1977
The impact of rising health insurance and health care costs on business Morehart 1977
The impact of tax reform on the livestock industry, part 1 National Livestock Tax Committee 1972
The impact of the tax reforms on the livestock industry, part 1. National Livestock Tax Committee 1972
The impact of Tucson shoppers on the Phoenix retail market Gillett 1973
The implications of the Colorado River suit to Arizona Farris 1963
The importance of the cattle industry Chilson 1956
The impossible railroad Jennings 1977
The impossible railroad Jennings 1977
The inauguration of president Homer LeRoy Shantz Lockwood 1930
The Inca bone and kindred formations among the ancient Arizonians Matthews 1889
The incredible Kangaroo rat - he's really "on the wagon" Wright 1964
The incredible shrinking pedestal Schroepfer 1989
The Indestructibles Langley 1968
The Indian Bureau is right Henderson 1956
The Indian Bureau is wrong Dobyns 1956