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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
The young policeman Kirk 1965
The youngest senator 1915
The yucca and the moth Krutch 1969
The yucca and the moth Robinson 1969
The yucca and the moth Krutch 1969
The yucca and the moth Robinson 1969
The yucca moth and the flower Cornell 1958
The yucca moth and the flower Cornell 1958
The Yuma Indians Trippel 1889
The Yuma Indians Trippel 1889
The Yuma mall Gianelli 1973
The Yuma mall Gianelli 1973
The Yuma project Lippincott 1904
The Yuma project Kelly 1939
The Yuma Reclamation Project Fly 1925
The Yuma reclamation project Fly 1925
The Zanardelli site Gerald 1950
The zoning game Moore 1969
The Zuni tribal band Finnigan 1953
The Zuni's pilgrimage to the Atlantic Baxter 1967
The Zuniga journal, Tucson to Santa Fe: the opening of a Spanish trade route 1788-1795 Hammond 1931
The Zuniga journal, Tucson to Santa Fe: the opening of a Spanish trade route, 1788-1795 Hammond 1951
The Zunis and their jewelry Ellinger 1952
Theater in the 1800s Simpson 1975
Theatre in the desert: the Yaqui Easter Litvinoff 1973
Their business in buttons 1958
Their goal: a science scholarship Lang 1962
Their grubstake is in copper Lesure 1955
Their inspiration comes form the good earth 1957
Their kind of town Thomas 1974
Their kind of town Thomas 1974
Their kind of town Thomas 1974
Their kind of town Thomas 1974
Their kind of town Thomas 1974
Their purpose is helpfulness Heatwole 1962
Their songs revive a passing era in American history Mahoney 1956
Their songs revive a passing era in American history Mahoney 1956
Their songs revive a passing era in American history Mahoney 1956
Their's is teamwork 1958
Thelton D. Beck, Yavapai County Attorney, Prescott, Arizona 1971
Them bones, them bones, them... Encinio 1967
Them there pitchin' shows an' dude waddies Adler 1935
Themes of environmental adaptation and response in southwestern National Park system areas Schroeder 1967
Then Berchtesgaden came to Scottsdale Allen 1966
Then one day a woman demanded her own ignition key Tortorell 1973
Then there were the good guys Toles 1968
Theodor August Heinrich Hampe, 1859-1935 Schaus 1974
Theodore Roosevelt at Roosevelt Dam 1961
Theodore Roosevelt Dam, historic milestone in U.S. reclamation Grehan 1961
Therapeutic values in Navajo religion Leighton 1967
Therapeutic values in Navajo religion Leighton 1967
Therapy of acute leukemia Duris 1974
There are no sure-fire solutions' 1977
There are no ugly Americans. Brent 1966
There go the Blue Angels Clark 1963