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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
The Navajo wonderland of Arizona Trockur 1931
The Navajo; proud, capable, ambitious, he lives in want; given proper opportunity he would do much for himself and his country 1950
The Navajos and their College: bad feelings in a bleak setting Trombley 1973
The Navajos and their College: bad feelings in a bleak setting Trombley 1973
The Navajos in a complex society George 1979
The Neals of Mohave County Olde-Neal 1958
The need of flood control on the Colorado River Winsor 1923
The need of flood control on the Colorado River Winsor 1923
The Needle's Eye Carlson 1962
The Needle's Eye Carlson 1962
The negotiation of the Gadsden treaty Rippy 1923
The negro in Phoenix Newhall 1965
The negro in Phoenix Newhall 1965
The neighborhood groceries still live, but they're not easy to find Buchanan 1969
The neighborhood groceries still live, but they're not easy to find Buchanan 1969
The neighborhood store in the barrio Sotomayor 1976
The neighs have it. Emerson 1960
The nesting behavior of some sphecid wasps of Arizona, including Bembix, Microbembex, and Philanthus Alcock 1975
The new architecture 1971
The new Arizona Wade 1928
The new Arizona Business Corporation Act Cocanower 1975
The new Arizona Business Corporation Act Hay 1975
The new bishop of Phoenix Moore 1970
The new borderlands history: a critique Vigil 1973
The new boy at city hall 1990
The new church architecture Walling 1966
The new era in mining education Willis 1915
The new governor of Arizona, Jack Williams Stacey 1967
The new governor of Arizona: Raul H. Castro Barnes 1975
The new governor of Arizona: Raul H. Castro Barnes 1975
The new Indian art Paladin 1975
The new Indian art Paladin 1975
The new Indian art Paladin 1975
The new Indian jewelry art of the Southwest 1972
The new Industrial Commission of Arizona Edwards 1968
The new left Zarbin 1967
The new Legend City Cook 1973
The new Legend City Cook 1973
The new Legend City Cook 1973
The new liquidity Williams 1990
The new look in Navajo education Clark 1956
The New Mexico Territorial Mounted Police Myers 1971
The New Mexico Territorial Mounted Police Myers 1971
The new minority? Breen 1974
The new minority? Breen 1974
The new Pima county 1914
The new Quarternary formation in northern Arizona Updike 1970
The new Quarternary formation in northern Arizona Pewe 1970
The New River, Maricopa County, earthquakes of December 19 and 23, 1974 Sauck 1976
The new spooks of Jerome Johnson 1959
The new spooks of Jerome DeWald 1959
The new Temple of Music and Art in Tucson 1927
The new Temple of Music and Art in Tucson Cosulich 1927
The new Tombstone Borum 1927
The new top men in town Winsted 1971