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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
The crime against Sylvester Mowry Love 1973
The cross Tallon 1962
The Cross L cattle ship to Texas 1972
The Cross L cattle ship to Texas 1972
The crowd pleaser 1973
The Crown King school Perry 1974
The Crown King school Perry 1974
The crowning product of a royal valley McClintock 1918
The crunch already came Cook 1977
The Cudahy collection Schaus 1956
The Cudahy Packing Company in Arizona Cudahy 1947
The Cudahy Packing Company in Arizona Cudahy 1947
The cultivated beans of the prehistoric Southwest Kaplan 1956
The cultivated beans of the prehistoric Southwest Kaplan 1956
The curtain rises on Tucson's musical stage 1931
The curved line Cutts 1953
The Cyesis Center Saul 1971
The dairy industry - big, big business in Arizona Moore 1962
The dairy where 'they're fierce kidders' Lee 1976
The dam made a happy new year Willson 1967
The dance of Hasjelti; being an account of the yebitchai held at Thoreau N. M., November 9th to 18th Kluckholm 1923
The dance of the Shalako gods Saunders 1909
The dance of the Shalako gods Saunders 1909
The dancers Lang 1961
The dancers Lang 1961
The dances of the Smoki people Abbott 1928
The dancing ghost of Coal Canyon Megargee 1964
The dancing ghost of Coal Canyon Megargee 1964
The Dancing Rocks Cook 1962
The daring young man and the dashing state seal Swift 1962
The daring young man and the dashing state seal Swift 1962
The date palm in Arizona 1899
The dating of early Mogollon horizons Reed 1948
The day Eloy struck back Barrett 1974
The day Flagstaff was bypassed the first time Cook 1968
The day Flagstaff was bypassed the first time Cook 1968
The day hoppers: commuting for a college degree is great, simply great Sims 1969
The day hoppers: commuting for a college degree is great, simply great Sima 1969
The day of the broomtails Rodriguez 1974
The day of the water cooler Lopez 1968
The day that was to be but got washed away Lee 1974
The day that was to be but got washed away Lee 1974
The day the metric system comes to Arizona Johnson 1970
The day they told the tall tales Johnson 1961
The day they took Fort Laramie Eger 1970
The day they took the father away Itow 1974
The day Tombstone drowned 1972
The day Tombstone drowned Kubista 1972
The day Wyatt Earp died Murray 1972
The days and ways of Roscoe Willson Amos 1967
The days and ways of the prospector Willson 1960
The days that were no more: A look at Zane Grey's West Goble 1973
The dazzling Englishman Willson 1975
The dead hauled away in wagons Willson 1973
The dead hauled away in wagons Willson 1973