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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Suave father's son aims to be a rancher 1964
Sub-tropical garden home estates adopt early Southwestern architecture Patt 1930
Submarines made Phoenix grow Hollister 1965
Submarines made Phoenix grow Hollister 1965
Subsidized bigotry Stanton 1990
Subsoiling, a practical test Smith 1913
Substitute for cottonseed meal in Arizona 1967
Substitute for cottonseed meal in Arizona 1967
Substitute motorcycles for horses Johnson 1970
Substitute teachers, education's "ready reserves." Philabaum 1966
Success in terms of people Youngs 1967
Success Story 1960
Success story 1960
Success story 1960
Success story - American origin Padev 1958
Successful importer, Garrett Wray 1949
Successful search and rescue in mid- April 1969
Successful summit attempt Ganci 1960
Successful summit attempt Ganci 1960
Suckers Ring 1989
Sud-Pacifico: postscript on a railroad Wyllys 1955
Suddenly in a secluded and rugged place... The Territory of New Mexico versus William H. McGinnis: Cause No. 2419 - Murder Burton 1972
Suddenly in a secluded and rugged place... The Territory of New Mexico versus William H. McGinnis: Cause No. 2419 - Murder Burton 1972
Suds quarters: Golden Eagle Distributors Scott 1988
Sue du jour Webb 1990
Sue du jour Webb 1990
Sue du jour Webb 1990
Suffer the little children... Welch 1968
Sugarloaf - spectacular, but only one of many Leatham 1965
Suggestions for the further study of Hopi Titiev 1946
Suicide on wheels Stahl 1971
Suicide on wheels 1971
Suits me estate Littlepage 1953
Sulphur Springs Valley DuBois 1913
Sulphur Springs Valley Burgess 1958
Summary of Navajo Developments 1950
Summer activities at point of Pines Haury 1946
Summer bargain apartments: most aren't Bockius 1971
Summer bargain apartments: most aren't Bockius 1971
Summer birds of the central Arizona valleys Crockett 1973
Summer comfort for desert dwellers Mangel 1938
Summer garden zinnias, marigolds Reynolds 1956
Summer guest ranches 1937
Summer homes of the Hassayampa Mountain Club Price 1922
Summer in the mountains Mead 1976
Summer in Tucson Rogers 1933
Summer journey on the Devil's road Sykes 1951
Summer racing - Prescott, Arizona Ellinger 1955
Summer rains in Santa Cruz Schaus 1954
Summer wonderland calls traveler to Northern Arizona Arnold 1937
Summits below the Rim; moutain climbing in the Grand Canyon Butchart 1976
Sun ceremony of the Hopis 1928
Sun City turns 30 1990
Sun City, an experiment in purposeful living 1961
Sun City, an experiment in purposeful living 1961