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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Southern Arizona and its 1913 fair at Tucson October 21 to 25 Myers 1913
Southern Arizona devil lore Seibold 1967
Southern Arizona guest ranches 1930
Southern Arizona in focus 1975
Southern Arizona International cattle show Schaus 1960
Southern Arizona missions 1931
Southern Arizona weather lore 1967
Southern Arizona's sky island Heald 1958
Southern California as Arizona's best customer Simons 1927
Southern chronicle: from report to literature Gillmor 1956
Southern exposure 1973
Southern extension of prehistoric Tusayan 1896
Southern Pacific; seventy-five years of service to Arizona and the West King 1955
Southern Papago salt pilgrimages Stewart 1965
Southern Papago salt pilgrimages Stewart 1965
Southern rebellion, November 1751 Willson 1958
Southside District Hospital 1977
Southwest air safari 1975
Southwest chronicle: from report to literature Gillmor 1956
Southwest chronicle: modern histories and historians of the Spanish Southwest Ewing 1947
Southwest chronicle: the first histories and historians of the Southwest Ewing 1946
Southwest classic reread: Joseph Wood Krutch's "The Desert Year" Powell 1971
Southwest Classics Reread: A land to know, a West to love Powell 1972
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage Powell 1973
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage Powell 1973
Southwest Classics Reread: How he pictured the West Powell 1973
Southwest Classics Reread: Song of the Southwest Powell 1973
Southwest Ensemble Theatre Reveles 1973
Southwest Feed & Seed to open new computerized mill 1968
Southwest Forest Industries Henson 1964
Southwest Forest Industries Henson 1964
Southwest Forest Industries Henson 1964
Southwest Indian silverwork Kelley 1960
Southwest Painted potter; II, the historic period Tanner 1947
Southwest painted pottery; I, the prehistoric period Tanner 1947
Southwest skippers harness wily desert winds Brown 1969
Southwest treasure house Stroud 1957
Southwestern Academy where education is more than absorbing facts and acquiring knowledge Kennedy 1972
Southwestern Athapascan women Watkins 1944
Southwestern Athapascan women Watkins 1944
Southwestern chronicle I, Archeology Allen 1945
Southwestern Chronicle, I. Archeology Allen 1945
Southwestern chronicle: a little more on Sylvester Mowry Clendenen 1954
Southwestern chronicle: bibliographies Allen 1946
Southwestern chronicle: ethnology Allen 1946
Southwestern chronicle: ethnology Spicer 1953
Southwestern chronicle: ethnology Spicer 1953
Southwestern chronicle: ethnology of the Navaho, Apache , and others Spicer 1948
Southwestern chronicle: from report to literature Gillmor 1956
Southwestern chronicle: from report to literature Gillmore 1956
Southwestern chronicle: modern histories and historians of the Spanish Southwest Ewing 1947
Southwestern chronicle: Papago recordings Matson 1953
Southwestern chronicle: references concerning the plants and vegetation of the Southwest Phillips 1954
Southwestern chronicle: references concerning the plants and vegetation of the Southwest Phillips 1954
Southwestern chronicle: the case of paint vs. garlic 1955