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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Pediatricians treat kids but watch parents Lee 1976
Pedro Fages in Sonora Sanchez 1976
Pedro Fages in Sonora, 1767-1768 & 1777-1782 Sanchez 1976
Peeling them off old Camelback Gianelli 1974
Peeling them off old Camelback Gianelli 1974
Peeples Valley gets its name from pioneer Willson 1954
Peg Leg Benson 1970
Pena Blanca, Arizona's newest park Matula 1958
Pennies-at-the-pump 1977
People are interesting 1954
People are interesting 1954
People are interesting 1954
People are interesting 1954
People are interesting 1954
People in the valley are used to miracles' Dangaard 1974
People in this valley are used to miracles.' Dangaard 1974
People of the Mesas Supplee 1965
People of the Old Pueblo Getty 1951
People of the Old Pueblo Getty 1951
People on the River 1976
People pass the bucks to her 1958
People who live in a ghost town should never leave their doors unlocked Lynch 1970
People who work for the mortuaries 1976
People will buy anything at an auction 1971
People, places and things Waters
People-paintings at Sedona Rigby 1965
Peoria and its rapidly growing district Daws
Percentage of Mexican-American pedestrians in the downtown Tucson shopping area Waugh 1956
Percentage of Mexican-American pedestrians in the downtown Tucson shopping area Waugh 1956
Percentage of Mexican-American pedestrians in the downtown Tucson shopping area Waugh 1956
Percentage of Mexican-American pedestrians in the downtown Tucson shopping area Waugh 1956
Perceptions of living skills among Navajo high school students in Arizona Belon 1983
Peremptory challeges of judges: the Arizona experience 1973
Perfection is their primary product Jacobsen 1972
Perhaps the thorny plants are useful Ames 1956
Perhaps the thorny plants are useful Ames 1956
Peridot, Arizona' green gem Jones 1975
Peridot, Arizona's green gem Jones 1975
Perils of a frontier scout Repp 1973
Perils of public health Kennedy 1975
Perils of public health 1975
Perils of the devils Egerton 1971
Perimortem damage to human skeletal remains from Wupatki National Monument, Northern Arizona Turner 1990
Permanent placement of Navahos off the reservation Thompson 1949
Permanent sandpaintings Villasenor 1967
Permian fossils from the Kaibab formation at Flagstaff, Arizona Beus 1965
Permian stratigraphy in eastern Arizona Winters 1951
Perpetual moonlight computer Ives 1964
Perpetual moonlight computer Ives 1964
Persian gems for Arizona jewelry 1957
Personal appearance regulations in public contact jobs under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Katz 1976
Personal courage is a working creed in the shadow world of the blind Johnson 1962
Personality and government: Resume of tribal findings and recommendations; the Navaho Thompson 1950
Personality and government: The Hopi` Thompson 1951
Personality and government: The Papago Thompson 1950