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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Permanent sandpaintings Villasenor 1967
Permian fossils from the Kaibab formation at Flagstaff, Arizona Beus 1965
Permian stratigraphy in eastern Arizona Winters 1951
Perpetual moonlight computer Ives 1964
Perpetual moonlight computer Ives 1964
Persian gems for Arizona jewelry 1957
Personal appearance regulations in public contact jobs under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Katz 1976
Personal courage is a working creed in the shadow world of the blind Johnson 1962
Personality and government: Resume of tribal findings and recommendations; the Navaho Thompson 1950
Personality and government: The Hopi` Thompson 1951
Personality and government: The Papago Thompson 1950
Personality and government: The Papago Thompson 1951
Personality goes onto the walls 1953
Personality is the secret of the fragrance 1961
Personality is the secret of the fragrance 1961
Personnel policies in Arizona government: recruitment and turnover Riggs 1961
Personnel practices in Arizona manufacturing companies: development and compensation Flippo 1972
Personnel practices in Arizona manufacturing companies: employee relations Flippo 1972
Personnel practices in Arizona manufacturing companies: hiring Flippo 1972
Pesh-Bi-Yalti speaks; white man's talking wire in Arizona Rue 1971
Pesh-Bi-Yaltie speaks; white man's talking wire in Arizona Rue 1971
Peshlakai Atsidi (1850?-1939) Johnston 1939
Peshlakai Atsidi (1850?-1939) Johnston 1939
Pest control in the desert gardening Reynolds 1956
Pesticide intoxications in Arizona Harris 1969
Pete kitcheb's road of dead men Thorp 1964
Pete Kitchen
Pete Kitchen , ranch and museum Winsor 1957
Pete Kitchen - Arizona pioneer rifleman and ranchman Lockwood 1928
Pete kitchen, ranch and museum Winsor 1957
Pete Phelps, range management man of the year 1968
Peter Bartmus, 1883-1968 Schaus 1976
Peter Homer, Sr Gridley
Peter Kiewit improving section of important Yavapai County highway 1976
Peter R. Brady
Peter Rainsford Brady, 1825-1902 Schaus 1968
Petie Colton 1964
Petite minerals Flagg 1957
Petrified Forest Jeffers 1967
Petrified Forest National Park Smith 1963
Petrified Forest National Park, home of the ancients 1963
Petrified trees in Arizona Smith 1931
Petroglyphs in the Southwest Connolly 1938
Petroglyphs of Wupatki Davin 1973
Petroglyphs of Wupatki Davin 1973
Petroglyphs: prehistoric man created them -- modern man destroys them Simpson 1975
Petrographic art in Glen Canyon Foster 1954
Pets for adoption Holloway 1961
Pets for adoption Holloway 1961