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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Over half million invested in WPA projects Allison 1936
Over the Apache trail; one of the most fascinating and unique trips one could take Holt 1925
Over the plank road to Yuma Gilbert 1962
Over the railroad 1962
Over the railroad 1962
Over the Rim Coats 1967
Over the rim to the Verde Porter 1972
Over the river and into the casino 1973
Over the river into Tempe Smith 1989
Over the Verde Rim Moore 1963
Overland Arizona company Daws
Overland by Butterfield stage Bailey 1907
Overland via the "Jackass Mail" in 1858 Duffon 1960
Overland via the "Jackass Mail" in 1858... 1960
Overland via the "Jackass Mail" in 1858... 1960
Overland via the "Jackass Mail" in 1858; the diary of Phocion R. Way Duffen 1960
Overland via the "Jackass Mail" in 1858; the diary of Phocion R. Way Duffen 1960
Overland via the "Jackass Mail" in 1858; the diary of Phocion R. Way 1960
Overland via the "Jackass Mail" in 1858; the diary of Phocion R. Way 1960
Overland via the "Jackass Mail" in 1858; the diary of Phocion R. Way 1960
Overland via the "Jaokass Mail" in 1858; the diary of Phocion R. Way. Ed by W. A. Duffin pt1 Duffin 1960
Overland via the "Jaokass Mail" in 1858; the diary of Phocion R. Way. Ed by W. A. Duffin pt2 Duffin 1960
Overnight solo up Sawick mountain Leatham 1961
Overnight solo up Sawick mountain Leatham 1961
Overstocking of the ranges in southern Arizona during the 1870's and 1880's Wagoner 1961
Overview of geothermal resources potential in Arizona Harshbarger 1972