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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Nearly half a century with the drugstore Indians Johnson 1967
Nearly half a century with the drugstore Indians Johnson 1967
Ned A. Hatathli, councilman 1959
Need for trained business workers in Arizona Rork 1963
Need new municipal code Juliani 1941
Needed: a people policy Cook 1970
Needed: a people policy, a calm look at the population problem Cook 1970
Needed: a positive agri-image Olson 1976
Needed; changes in Arizona's laws 1967
Needles, 1904-1906 Doyle 1960
Needles, 1904-1906 Doyle 1960
Neighborhood calling day Young 1914
Neighborhood calling day Young 1914
Neighbors across the border Johnson 1962
Neither seen nor heard: keeping children out of Arizona's adult communities under Arizona Revised Statutes Section 33-1317(B) 1975
Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat Olmsted 1964
Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat- Olmsted 1964
Nelle Clack, homesteader, teacher, rancher and miner Hudson 1975
Nelle Clack: homesteader, teacher, rancher and miner Hudson 1975
Nelle Clack: homesteader, teacher, rancher and miner Hudson 1975
Nellie Cashman Clum 1931
Nellie Cashman and her lost gold Auer 1963
Nelson lime plant Alan 1975
Nelson lime plant Alan 1975
Nelson Puntenney, 1881-1952 Schaus 1961
Neri Osborn and family King
Nesters, rustlers and outlaws Coleman 1973
Nesters, rustlers and outlaws Coleman 1973
Neurosurgery on the frontier Green 1967
Neurosurgery on the frontier Green 1967
Neurotics Anonymous; the Friday night talk-out Cook 1969
Neutron activation of Dogoszhi style ceramics: production and exchange in the Chacoan regional system Bishop 1990
Never enough time Pearce 1974
Never on Father's Day Cooke 1965
Never on Friday Johnson 1966
Never outgrew their need for circuses Amos 1966
Never trust to luck in desert or mountains Willson 1961
Nevills plaque is dedicated 1952
New "Buckeye" for Arizona 1960
New "push button" feed mill initiated 1963
New arbitration should speed claims settlements Demson 1971
New auto ferry on the Colorado Weight 1956
New bank at five points 1914
New blood in an age old country Moss 1928
New brooms chase dust Mahoney 1954
New caves an artistic triumph Taylor 1977
New College of Agriculture programs show international focus Lucas 1976
New consumer market for downtown Phoenix retailers Ardman 1964
New cottons designed for better health and cleaner lint 1976
New cross-cut canal Scott 1913
New dam at Lake Pleasant 1927
New development at the Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona Eastlick 1958
New digs at Pueblo Grande Ward 1976
New digs at Pueblo Grande Ward 1976
New dimensions for the junior college Overend 1964