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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Marcia Weeks: commissioner with a cause Benedek 1989
Marcos de Niza rock - historical inscription Leatham 1958
Marcos de Niza rock - historical inscription Leatham 1958
Marcy express to Dragoon Springs Lebec 1970
Marcy express to Dragoon Springs Lebec 1970
Margaret Lewis, singer and silversmith Smith 1939
Margaret Lewis, singer and silversmith Smith 1939
Mariano G. Samaniego Gonzales 1990
Mariano G. Samaniego, 1944-1907 Schaus 1966
Maricopa agate in Arizona Hilton 1939
Maricopa and Yavapai sheriffs act in Goddard murder Willson 1962
Maricopa County building permits
Maricopa County construction activity: 1968 Winkleman 1969
Maricopa County construction survey: 1970 Winkleman 1971
Maricopa County food costs in 1973: price controls vs. excess demand Louis 1974
Maricopa County food costs in 1973: price controls vs. excess demand Louis 1974
Maricopa County food costs in an inflationary year Plantz 1970
Maricopa County food costs in an inflationary year Bond 1970
Maricopa County food prices in historical perspective Plantz 1966
Maricopa County plans ahead for recreation facilities Johnson 1960
Maricopa County plans ahead for recreation facilities Johnson 1960
Maricopa County plans ahead for recreation facilities Johnson 1960
Maricopa County's Cal Boies --- one in a million 1960
Maricopa County's Century of growth Brown 1971
Maricopa County's poor 1899
Maricopa County's rapidly growing Gilbert Daws
Maricopa County's rapidly growing Gilbert Daws
Maricopa County: 1969's construction boom Winkelman 1970
Maricopa discovered; an ideal country for the pumping plant Scott 1916
Maricopa weaving Hrdlicka 1905
Maricopa's prison without bars Paplow 1974
Maricopa's prison without bars Peplow 1975
Maricopas launch self-help program for economic gain 1954
Maricopoa County's poor 1899
Marie Harr Leitch, pioneer teacher Mills 1975
Marietta and the King of Siam Wright 1959
Marietta and the King of Siam Wright 1959
Marigolds in desert sands Beal 1942
Marijuana's grass roots Margolis 1970
Marilyn and her spectacular friends Sullivan 1972
Marine mollusks and aboriginal trade in the Southwest Kean 1965
Marine mollusks and aboriginal trade in the Southwest Kean 1965
Marion Alexander Perkins Schaus 1960
Marion Lee, 1882 Willson 1957
Mark of the centipede Woodson 1946
Mark. A. Aldrich Lockwood
Marketing amazing Arizona 1977
Marketing Arizona's forests Petroni 1965
Marketing the citrus crop Rockwell 1912
Markets to the south: a look at some socio-economic aspects of Sonora Rivera 1963
Marks of the Spanish and Indians always will adorn the face of the Southwest Torres 1974
Marlboro man and his lady fair are very much in style Schellie 1972
Marlin Gillespie, Navajo County Sheriff 1974
Marmaduke, or Marmalade he flubbed 1963
Marold Steinfield, a profile of Tucson's no. 1 citizen and a history of the famous store that bears his name. 1950