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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Ma and Pa Willson wonder: Where is our wandering boy? Willson 1958
Mabel India Adams, 1887-1966 1966
Mable's dam bill Hellman 1964
MacDonald lauds peaceful settlement of AIM occupation 1975
Machines in miniature Johnson 1960
Machines in miniature Johnson 1960
Mack's gym 1970
Mack's gym 1970
Mad dog Downing meets doom at hands of Arizona Ranger Willson 1956
Made in Arizona: can the state's natural good "looks" turn films into a revenue streatm? Moore 1990
Made in Tucson 1934
Made in Tucson; Tucson manufacturing reaches the edge of a new era 1953
Madman of the Superstitions Ackerman 1956
Magdalena revisited: the growth of a fiesta Griffith 1967
Magic and dreams make opera a reality 1975
Magic at the grass roots Laudermilk 1947
Magic at the grass roots Laudermilk 1947
Magic at the grass roots Laudermilk 1947
Magic carpet to the promised land 1948
Magic of the Navajo medicine man Bond 1940
Magic of the stars Simpson 1975
Magic rocks of the Saucedas Weight 1949
Magic rocks of the Saucedas Weight 1949
Magic with mirrors Smith 1956
Magma geologist describes early days of old mines Willson 1961
Magma railroad Hungerford 1959
Magma's twenty-year ties to Tucson 1976
Magnificent school building dedicated at Ajo 1920
Maie Bartlett and Dwight B. Heard Coe 1988
Mail order burros Robinson 1955
Mail order on the wild Gila Douglas 1961
Mail order on the wild Gila Douglas 1961
Main street marathon in Payson 1956
Maintaining historical integrity Morgan 1976
Maiolica iin colonial Spanish America Lister 1974
Maize of the Southwest Anderson 1954
Majolica from excavations at San Xavier del Bac Barnes 1971
Majolica from excavations at San Xavier del Bac, 1968-1969 Barnes 1971
Major chromosome of races of larrea divaricata in North America Yang 1970
Major sports center Gianelli 1956
Major-General George Crook, U. S. A. Howard 1890
Make it bilingual and bicultural Maynes 1975
Make it bilingual and bicultural Maynes 1975
Make it bilingual and bicultural Maynes 1975
Make money making hay! Cate 1912
Make room for bicycles Dodenhoff 1971
Make room for Western art! Stacey 1976
Make someone happy Clark 1963
Make your next sitzmark in Arizona Cross 1972
Making 'em laugh Willson 1975
Making dreams come true Whitney 1932
Making it click with the Hopis Lee 1974
Making it click with the Hopis Lee 1974
Making it in the movies in the Palace bar MacPherson 1971
Making mines smarter 1986