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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Jo Mora's "horsemen of the West." 1952
Joanne Winter, Lady Pro Rinehart 1968
Joanne Winter, Lady Pro Rinehart 1968
Joanne Winter, Lady Pro Rinehart 1968
Joanne Winter, Lady Pro Rinehart 1968
Jobs Winsted 1975
Jobs for the older worker Tower 1962
Jockeys at Tucson's Rillito track have such fun 1950
Joe Beeler 1971
Joe Beeler 1971
Joe Noggle Brown 1974
Joe Noggle Brown 1974
Joe Phy, gladiator Rockfellow 1930
Joe real pro to swinging kids Justice 1962
Joe Richards, Coconino County Sheriff 1973
Joe Torres, first native son - first Mexican American, to be major of Kingman Waters 1974
Joe Torres, first native son - first Mexican American, to be mayor of Kingman Waters 1974
Joe Vest: a craftsman of rare quality Simpson 1975
Joel Elmer Clanton, 1873-1940 Schaus 1961
Joel Fowler and John Burns, Butcher Knife Bill and Pony Diehl Walters
Jog, jog, jog and away 1968
Jog, jog, jog, and away 1968
John A. Spring: Swiss adventurer Lee 1962
John Alexander 1930
John Allen Thompson, 1893- Schaus 1973
John and Jessie Fremont Simpson 1975
John and Jessie Fremont Simpson 1975
John Asa Bozarth, 1852-1946 Willson 1957
John B. Allen Lockwood
John B. Townsend Simpson 1974
John B. Wylie 1932
John Baptist Salpointe, 1825-1894 Zerwekh 1962
John Baptist Salpointe, 1825-1894 Zerwekh 1962
John Baptist Salpointe, 1825-1894 1962
John Baptist Salpointe, 1825-1894 1962
John Baptist Salpointe: First Roman Catholic Bishop of Arizona Dailey 1963
John Benjamin Townsend: the Arizona Cherokee Brown 1961
John C. Cremony, soldier of fortune Lockwood 1946
John C. Fremont: territorial governor Richardson 1962
John Charles Gibson, 1867-1947 Schaus 1960
John Chellis Hall Schaus 1959
John Chisum, empire builder Waltrip 1972
John Clum, agent unafraid Stohlbrost 1956
John D. Lee and the Havasupai Whiting 1948
John D. Lee and the Havasupal Whiting 1948
John D. Lee lost gold mine. Kelly 1946
John D. Lee's lost gold mine Kelly 1946
John D. Lyone - a tribute 1973
John David Bishop, 1856, 1939 Schaus 1964
John Driggs 1970
John Driggs, the first hundred days 1970
John E. Bacon, M.D., 1869-1964 Stevens 1964
John Edwards, a young artist with a flare for Arizona 1975
John Edwards, a young artist with a flare for Arizona 1975
John Fergus McKenna, M.D., physician, combat pilot and friend par excellence, 1905-1970 Kennedy 1970