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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Giving unto others Worsham 1975
Glaciation evidence in Abineau Canyon Duncklee 1976
Glaciers in Arizona? 1968
Glassart studio translated Medieval art into modern terms Maniol 1959
Glasses for Florence Johnson 1962
Gleeson, Arizona Florin 1967
Glen Canyon Laughlin 1961
Glen Canyon as it was; a photographic record Nichols 1976
Glen Canyon dam Wylie 1958
Glen Canyon Dam Abbey 1968
Glen Canyon dam opens up new water playground Muench 1960
Glen Canyon Dam progress report Rusho 1961
Glen Canyon Dam, an American triumph Rusho 1964
Glen Canyon exploring Nelson 1957
Glen Canyon exploring Nelson 1957
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Duffy 1964
Glen Canyon voyage Henderson 1952
Glen Canyon: a negative opinion Swift 1961
Glen Canyon: its days are numbered Tallon 1962
Glen Emmet Perry, 1891-1962 Schaus 1969
Glendale "The garden city." 1922
Glendale - Arizona's garden city Daws
Glendale in the heart of the famous Glendale loess 1910
Glendale paving under WPA Smith 1940
Glendale's "big hole" gapes defiantly at a facelifting Heatwole 1956
Glendale's chickens lead an ordered life Heatwole 1959
Glendale's trouble shooter Combs 1958
Glendale's trouble shooter Combs 1958
Glendale's trouble shooter Combs 1958
Glendale, land of the sugar beet 1908
Glendale, the community of the future 1908
Glenn Hunter, deputy game warden Niehuis 1943
Glidden Parker Moore 1965
Gliding - like sliding on ice Leathan 1964
Glimpses of the desert about Tucson Thornber 1937
Glitter on the greens 1962
Global Grads Cacioch 1991
Globe starting as silver camp, is mecca for tourists Brewer 1939
Globe's famous bell Mazei 1965
Globe's famous bell Mazei 1965
Globe's first Christmas party Mazel 1965
Globe's first Christmas party Mazei 1965
Globe, Arizona, the gateway of the copper world Keegan 1914
Globe, the world's coming copper capital 1910
Globe-Miami area of Gila County 1964
Glow bugs in the sky Johnson 1960
Glyph hunters in the Indian country Henderson 1946
Gnomes of the desert night Bradt 1943
Go Karts on the go! Moore 1960
Go to the Kaibab for a real vacation Mackey 1930
Go Way bad luck: Phoenician Don Lee hops he can toos major league hex. Gianelli 1964
Goal of new artist group is to educate 1973
Goat raising in Arizona 1914
Goats of Arizona Kennedy 1975
God gives the students strength Mahoney 1960