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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Eleventh territorial legislature settled many early-day problems Willson 1961
Elfs of the saguaros Walker 1947
Elgin Cary 1952
Elgin Cary 1952
Eli Grouskay, 1876- Schaus 1961
Eli P. Clark 1931
Elias A. Sawyer 1932
Elijah Thomas, 1852-1944 Schaus 1960
Elise Campbell 1930
Elizabeth Borton
Elk hospital dream nears realization Herman 1931
Elk hospital dream nears realization Herman 1931
Elk's hospital in Tucson filling great need Gunst 1936
Elks State Hospital starts work Herman 1932
Elliott Arnold 1951
Elliott Coues and the Apaches Brodhead 1973
Elliott Couse and the Apaches Brodhead 1973
Elmer B. Bomar, rockhound Swaart 1966
Elmer Walton Coker, 1875-1935 Schaus 1965
Eloy: a cotton town in transition Morgan 1960
Eloy: a cotton town in transition Morgan 1960
Eloy: a cotton town in transition Morgan 1960
Eloy: a cotton town in transition Morgan 1960
Elsie Toles; first woman State Superintendent of Schools of Arizona 1974
Elwood Briggs: banker - Santa Claus Swaart 1965
Elwood Driggs: banker - Santa Claus Swaart 1965
Emergency Hait 1976
Emerging Navajo nation to become Southwest power 1975
Emigrant flowers that never fade Beal 1949
Emma Krentz, Douglas 1935
Emma's Happiness Museum Morris 1974
Emory Oak (Quercux emoryl) litter phenolics as environmental hazards for aquatic animals in southeastern Arizona McConnell 1973
Emotionally disturbed children at camp Hodges 1968
Emotionally disturbed children at camp Hodges 1968
Emphatic Arizona Ewing 1928
Emplacement of basement blocks in the Tucson Mountain Chaos near Tucson, Arizona McCullough 1964
Employing the widow Mitchener 1976
Employment experiences of University of Arizona accounting graduates Renken 1960
Enchanting treasure of the padres Arnold 1956
Enchantment at Chiricahua Sherman 1968
Encounter, encounter: the weird goings on of the human potential movement Gust 1972
End of the line 1952
End of the line 1952
End of the line Heatwole 1957
Enemy offers hospitality to fearless Captain Hardy Willson 1958
Energetic is the word for art Hartwell 1971
Energy 'shortage' attributed to price rise limitations Wenders 1974
Energy and the CPP: from the folks who brought you waterless Wednesday Zwerg 1976
Energy prospects & options for Arizona Frank 1975
Energy prospects & options for Arizona Frank 1975
Energy prospects & options for Arizona Frank 1975
Energy resources 1976
Enforced acculturation and Indian-White relations Peretti 1973
Enforced acculturation and Indian-White relations Peretti 1973
Engineer of the month 1960