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Article Title Author last name Year Sort descending
Dobyns, H. F. Experiment in conservation: erosion control and forage production on the Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona Spicer
Donofrio's Daws
Does Arizona want statehood? 1899
Douglas, the smelter city Gerhart 1908
Do Arizona women want the ballot Munds 1912
Doing the Valley; how some people give things the once over 1915
Doctor J. B. Nelson of Mesa, running "head on" for Congress Scott 1916
Do some headwork, or quit kicking at the high cost of living Miller 1919
Doctor's academy founded at the Arizona State University 1922
Douglas and Cochise County Tardy 1927
Do Southwestern quail require water? Vorhies 1929
Don Lorenzo Hubbell of Ganado Mott 1931
Don Lorenzo Hubbel of Ganado Mott 1931
Don Lorenzo Hubbell of Ganado Mott 1931
Don Lorenzo Hubbell of Ganado Mott 1931
Don't face the camera Dodge 1940
Don Joaquin and his gold mine Mitchell 1943
Doodlebug prospector Ford 1945
Don James, Baron of Arizona Riordan 1945
Don James, Baron of Arizona Riordan 1945
Don't knock on a hogan door Van Valkenburgh 1947
Dolphin-flower on cavalier's apur Beal 1949
Douglas Rak 1950
Do Ah Shon goes to the trading post Hassell 1951
Down to Thunder River Niehuis 1951
Doves and dove hunting in Arizona Mabery 1952
Documentary evidence pertaining to the early historic period of southern Arizona Schroeder 1952
Documentary evidence pertaining to the early historic period of southern Arizona Schroeder 1952
Documentary evidence pertaining to the early historic period of southern Arizona Schroeder 1952
Down the Grand Canyon by rail Lane 1953
Douglas story Mahoney 1954
Don't blame the ranchers Erickson 1954
Does TV have a place in public school education? No Johnson 1955
Does TV have a place in public school education? Yes. Thompson 1955
Do-se-do reigns in Flagstaff 1955
Do teachers make good mothers? Megargee 1955
Does TV have a place in public school education? Thompson 1955
Does TV have a place in public school education? Yes Thompson 1955
Does TV have a place in public school education? No. Johnson 1955
Dogie doggerels and lugubrious lyrics Rios 1955
Doc Holliday; Arizona's pistol packin' dentist Myers 1955
Don Diego's tide to fortune was fraught with adventures. Willson 1956
Dolph Evans Evans 1956
Downtown Tucson and the woman shopper. Raaf 1958
Doc Cline of Tonto Basin Buchanan 1958
Douglas, Arizona; its story begins with a smelter - its development is many-sided Johnson 1958
Doves of the desert Jaeger 1958
Don Pancho's friendship survives a half century Willson 1958
Double hangings avenge vicious double murders Willson 1959
Down the old Butterfield trail Mulligan 1959
Douglas Saturday night 1959
Doctor in Spurs Tallon 1961
Do-it-yourself tours at Parker and Davis dams Earl 1961
Douglas' sixth annual art festival Fowler 1961
Doctor in spurs Tallon 1961