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Article Title Author last name Sort descending Year
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" pt.2 Hall 1912
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" Hall 1912
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" pt.5 Hall 1912
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" Hall 1912
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" pt.8 Hall 1913
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" Hall 1912
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" Hall 1913
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" pt.1 Hall 1911
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" Hall 1911
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" pt.4 Hall 1912
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" Hall 1912
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" pt.7 Hall 1913
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" Hall 1912
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" Hall 1913
Dick Wick's frog still lives at Salome Henderson 1938
Dick Wick's frog still lives at Salome Henderson 1938
Dixie Lee Kitts, first woman to take the big ten Householder 1963
Dixie Lee Kitts, first woman to take the big ten Householder 1963
Did the Dutchman find Montezuma's treasure? Howe 1957
Discipline in the Arizona Territorial Prison: Draconian severity of enlightened administration? Jeffrey 1968
Dismal days in Pleasant Valley Johnston 1953
Dismal days in Pleasant Valley Johnston 1953
Dishonoring Arizona's heroes Kildare 1971
Distribution and transportation of Arizona lumber Knorr 1968
Disease and death among the Anasazi: some notes on Southwestern paleopidemiology Kunitz 1970
Diamond Butte Leatham 1961
Disappearing creek Leatham 1962
Diverse forces motivate greater safety awareness MacCollum 1974
Diverse forces motivate greater safety awareness MacCollum 1974
Didn't' miss the water until we got it Mahoney 1963
Distribution of the tassel-eared squirrels McKee 1941
Dick Wick Hall of the Laughing Gas Service Station McKenney 1955
Dig that crazy crew-cut cartoonist Megargee 1957
Discovery of Glen Canyon Miller 1958
Discovery of Glen Canyon Miller 1958
Ditch-bank villain Moore 1960
Ditch-bank villain Moore 1960
Dick Wick Hall, humorist with a serious purpose Myers 1970
Dick Banegas has seen it all Phillips 1973
Distinctive features of Navaho religion Reichard 1945
Discovery of the Keyhole Natural Bridge Reilly 1972
Discovery of Keyhole Natural Bridge Reilly 1972
Dillard O. Shartzer, 1885-1962 Schaus 1967
Diurnal air flow through an earth cervice, Wupatki National Monument Schley 1961
Did the Sinagua of the Verde Valley settle in the Salt River Valley? Schroeder 1947
Discussion Schroeder 1956
Did the Sinagua of the Verde Valley settle in the Salt River Valley? Schroeder 1947
Discussion Schroeder 1956
Did the Sinagua of the Verde Valley settle in the Salt River Valley? Schroeder 1947
Discussion Schroeder 1956
Digging up an old ruin Simpson 1976
Digging up an old ruin Simpson 1976
Diary of an Arizona cowboy Smith 1977
Diversion dam of 1872 Smith 1962
Diversion dam of 1872 Smith 1962