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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Bowling's lame duck league Burton 1959
Bowling's lame duck league Burton 1959
Bowls-ful of pigskin Emerson 1960
Bowman's Diggin's: the end of the line Brown 1976
Bowman's Diggin's: the end of the line Brown 1976
Boxing bout at New Town near Morenci, Ariz., turns into poetry recital... Rutherford 1965
Boxing bout at New Town near Morenci, Ariz., turns into poetry recital... Rutherford 1965
Boy Scouts of the Catalina Council Shower 1929
Boyce Thompson Arboretum Winsted 1972
Boyce Thompson Arboretum Winsted 1972
Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum Thompson 1965
Boyce Thompson's marvelous garden in the desert Peterson 1989
Boyhood memories of downtown Phoenix Reveles 1969
Boys ranch calf sale puts building fund over the top 1952
Boys who take the Moto out of Cross 1974
Boys' ranch, Arizona 1958
Boys, you'll never make it! Vroman 1955
Boys, you'll never make it! Vroman 1955
Brace yourself: manufacturer provides the muscle for helping sports-related injuries Alba 1987
Bracero: a story of success Brophy 1959
Bradshaw bonanza Henderson 1963
Bradshaw Bonanza Henderson 1963
Bradshaw bonanza! Ransom 1959
Bradshaw bonanza! Ransom 1959
Bradshaw brand gold Hooper 1976
Bradshaw brand gold Hooper 1976
Bradshaw's road to the La Paz diggin's Hoyt 1956
Brahma bulls and swimming pools Sheldon 1951
Brahma bulls and swimming pools Sheldon 1951
Brains and water Van Der Veer 1913
Brains behind the brain 1957
Brains behind the brain 1957
Branchiurs Sowerbyi Beddard (annelids' Oligochaete in Arizona Cole 1966
Brand history (a letter to the editor) Favour 1974
Brand history (a letter to the editor) Favour 1974
Brand-doctoring artists led a touch-and-go life Willson 1962
Brand-doctoring artists led a touch-and-go life Willson 1962
Brand-doctoring artists led a touch-and-go life Willson 1962
Branding Schuster 1975
Branding Schuster 1975
Branding at Indian Rock Ranch Simpson 1976
Brangus cattle in Yuma County Schaus 1958
Braniff Place/Tucson: regenerating downtown 1974
Brave conquerors of the Colorado Spendlove 1969
Brave conquerors of the Colorado Spendlove 1969
Braving the Colorado as a river rat Moore 1970
Brawny men and true steel; the story of hard-rock drilling, the desertland's forgotten sport Ninnis 1961
Bray for us Gianelli 1973
Bray for us Gianelli 1973
Breaking horses with Dale Girdner Simpson 1976
Breaking into the bigs under Ted Williams Morris 1971
Breaking the heat barrier Kemp 1967
Brenda Spencer, Navajo weaver Eaton 1989
Brenda Spencer, Navajo weaver Eaton 1989
Breweries versus flourmills Willson 1969